Public Message from
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
to the World
Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan
April 7, 2007
given on
Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil
April 7, 2007
for release on
Divine Mercy Sunday
April 15, 2007
Little children, praised be Jesus!
What a joy it is to come to be with you! With all your penances and sacrifices, how pleased I am that you give to God the Eternal Father, and to my Son, and to the Holy Spirit, all of who you are! For all that you have done during this Lenten season, I thank you. I thank you, and with joy I join you in prayer for the fruition of all of your sacrifices. It is a glorious day because it is one on which the whole world joins together to pay homage to the True King, the Authentic God, the One and Only!
When my Son died on the Cross, my heart was torn from Him, and I was in shock. There was complete emptiness in me. I was numb. When I received my Son in my arms, all my emotion poured out; then there was nothing left in me. I wanted to die with Him. In my heart, I did; but I had to remain on this earth for you. As I opened my hands, I called to the world, “See, there is nothing left in me. Come. Come.” I pressed my lips on my Son, and there I found comfort. The world truly will never know the depth and the breadth of your Mother’s sorrow until you meet your Creator face to face.
How many of you live now in this world “empty,” day by day, without any consolation, and suffering with a sorrowful heart? I join you, for I am with you. But remember this: the hope is there in my Son, for He awoke and resurrected. He closed His Eyes in sorrow and in pain from what He knew He had done for the salvation of humanity. But then, He opened His Eyes on a new mission, knowing very well that He would have to walk in the world to convince all of His Presence. So it is today, and He knew very well then that the mission and the fight against evil was just beginning. Yet, victoriously He stood and walked.
You too pray, and you know that the waves of torment and frustration crash on you daily, from rebuking people who think you are not of God, that you are fraudulent, criminals and deceivers. You close your eyes. You leave it to my Son at the Cross. Then you open your eyes, and you also know to move valiantly ahead on a mission.
It is most sorrowful and sad that there are those, especially if they are clergy, who exhibit spiritual jealousy; but there are many who walk in this way. They do not realize the great gift that awaits them, and that their useless energy could be spent on doing good to build up, not to tear down.
I love you. I thank you so much for being with me and walking my way. Thank you for not turning away, but for knowing that there is much work to be done, all for the greater glory of God. Praise be to His Most Glorious Name! Thank you, little ones. You are so special in my heart, just as my Son had a special one of the apostles (John) in His Heart. I will always be there for you; and know this:
My Son is alive!
He is no longer at a distance.
He is with you, and in you, and all around you!
Everywhere, He is with you!
Take courage. Never despair. Move forward. We shall win, because God the Father deems it so. He created your soul for this very moment. The greatest thing that you can do in your life is now about to unfold!
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!