Public Message from
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
to the World
Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan
August 3, 2008
Dear little children, praised be Jesus!
Little children, I love you. I thank for your prayers. You are always protected within my most Immaculate Heart.
My dear little ones, the Providence of God would have it that in the time of need and when the end times come, God will come to your aid as He promised the patriarch Abraham that many descendents would be gathered through the seed of faith.
Be at peace, and know how important prayer is! It nurtures your soul.
Like the Magi who followed the star in obedience and adored the child, now you too in obedience, be the humble servants of the Light of God. Be honest and kind, not bearing false witness against your brothers. Always adore Jesus, and remember the promises given to Abraham.
You are precious when you are pure, and that choice is yours!
I love you, and I bless you abundantly in thanksgiving to God the Father Who has allowed me to be with you. I take all of your petitions to the Most Blessed Trinity. Thank you for your prayer and your fidelity to God – always!
Safety is within; Peace is within; because when Jesus is within, you are one with Him as He is One with His Father. And there you have Union with the Holy Trinity.
Thank you for responding to my call.
Reflection by Fr. John B. Wang
It seems that our Heavenly Mother is hinting about the genesis and nature of future mankind. After the purging, the remnant population, with their offspring, will be suitably likened to the seed of faith, the descendants promised to the patriarch Abraham. It will be a purified human race forming a devout and worshiping society centered on the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus. It will be paradisiacal in resemblance, if I may say so.
Meanwhile, our Mother advises perseverance, like the Magi who followed the star undauntedly until they found the New-Born King. Similar should be our attitude. So, be faithful to our call in praying, sacrificing, suffering, forgiving, loving, and always standing for the Truth. Be stout-hearted. Never flinch before evil, for the Lord is fighting with us.
(As She did during last month’s July 13 public apparition, Our Lady again moved to Gianna’s right, back to center and then to the left, as Gianna’s eyes panned the entire room. Our Lady also hovered over the 30 children sitting on the floor to the right and left of Gianna. Never before had so many young children been present. Brilliantly colored rays of graces flowed from Our Lady’s hands onto the entire crowd, and Gianna’s ecstatic smile reflected both her own joy and that of Our Lady. The crowd present was the largest ever!)
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!