Public Message from
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
to the World
Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan
August 6, 2006
The Feast of the Transfiguration
The Feast of the Father of All Mankind
Little children, praised be Jesus!
Thank you, little ones, for your prayerful intentions and the reverence that you give to my Son. I take all of your intentions to my most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, which praises God on your behalf. I love you, little ones, and I thank you for coming to pray with me. You are special indeed! You are always welcome, and all are invited to return to God.
In this time of urgency, as I have mentioned before, I can no longer hold back the Angel’s sword. I am in great need of your prayer and your commitment to be true ambassadors of Light. There cannot be a casualness about this. If you are a true ambassador on my behalf, then you must indeed speak the Truth at all times and join me in inviting all people to listen to my words and to return to God. You cannot listen only when you desire. You must place God always first, above all things.
I can tell you, little ones, be cautious of those who claim that they know whom God should choose and use as a vessel for His Words. There is no theologian, no priest, no authority in Mother Church who in certainty can say who is or is not receiving words from Heaven. God chooses whom God desires, of all genders, of all races and of all ages. I do not come only to peasants. I come to whomever God allows me to come.
Yes indeed, you must use prudence and holy Wisdom to discern what is true and what is not. That comes through prayer and through a closer Union with God in the Eucharist. But you must have an open heart. For if you do not, then you will be held accountable for the sin of omission.
These times are urgent times, but times when there is tremendous Hope; and all the peoples of the world must know there is Hope; and Hope comes through Faith and through your Love. You must be who you say you are; and if you are a true child of God, you must live it, breathe it and be it. You cannot say you are and then not follow through. You cannot say it and live it if you do not pray with your family and live the words proclaimed in the Gospel.
You are all welcome, but do not come only to hear my words and then leave and return back to your old ways. You must live it now, and continue to. This is what’s needed now of my true ambassadors of Light — to be holy as God is Holy!
I bless all of you, children, in the Name of the Triune God Who is glorified through your suffering which no eyes can see except the Eyes of God. May you always praise Him so that you may live with Him.
Peace to you! Thank you for responding to my call.
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!