Public Message from

Our Lady of Emmitsburg 

to the World

Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan

February 11, 1999

My dear little children, praised be Jesus!

Little ones, God loves you and has given you a powerful gift of faith.

Faith connects you to His Kingdom.

It allows you to believe, to trust and to have confidence in His Truth.

Your soul seeks to live intimately in God’s Love and with God for all eternity.

God empowers the soul through this virtue to achieve access to His eternal kingdom.

It is the gift of faith which allows you to acknowledge Jesus as your Redeemer and gives rise to other gifts, such as hope and prudence.

Your faith is strengthened every time you place your confidence in the Word of God, believe in it and trust in His ways.

The enemy of darkness will try to cloud your mind and make you doubt the power of God, but the principles of faith will give you the power to resist him.

The gift of faith will strengthen you and allow you to find comfort in God.

You must believe in God and His promises if you are to live fully this virtue, even if you do not understand the reason of God.

Remember, little children, the condition of the human mind is weak and imperfect.

You will never understand the Mystery of God.

Only God is Perfect and has infinite Wisdom.

Many children mistake faith with understanding the mysteries of God.

Utilize the gift of faith, little ones, by accepting the promises of God, trusting in His fidelity, love, goodness and mercy.

You can gain entry to His eternal kingdom and receive His promises of everlasting life through this precious gift of faith.

I bless you in the Name of Jesus, your Savior, and take your petitions to Heaven.  Peace!

Thank you for responding to my call.


Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!