Public Message from
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
to the World
Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan
February 24, 2008
Little children, praised be Jesus!
Let it be known that the greatest gift you can give to God the Father is to love my Son with all your heart. He loves you. He draws you to Himself; and He desires you to be filled, to be consumed and to be inebriated by His Love. He wants you to be all of Him.
Little ones, you have been given a great gift of faith. It is so important, especially now, to live your faith and to trust Jesus with all your heart – not just in words, but in reality. Do you really believe and trust Him in all the circumstances in your life? When things go well you seem happy; but at the least breakdown, you crash, panic and scream for help.
You have within you the Holy Spirit! Trust Him. Surrender daily in every circumstance. Know God’s Hand is upon you; and if you are consumed by His Love, you would only experience the depth and breadth of Peace.
Even in the midst of trials, you can be free, filled with joy, and at peace. This is the greatest gift of your mercy and love that you can give to my Son during this Lenten Season. Trust, and live the gift of your faith. It is not in signs; it is not in visions; it is living in His Truth.
I bless you. I take all your petitions to my most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, and I lay them at the Foot of my Son’s Cross.
Be children of light and love. Anything is possible with God!
Do you believe?
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!