Public Message from
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
to the World
Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan
February 3, 2008
Little children, praised be Jesus!
Little ones, your salvation involves cooperation on your part. It is so necessary for you to be humble and kind. My Son gave His Life, and He is your salvation. However, He also invites you to live in Him, and to be Him. To be Him, you must be humble. You cannot be filled with pride, all-knowing and righteous; for that was the way of the Pharisees. They believed they knew the truth, but they did not believe in the Truth.
On your walk with my Son, there are many gifts to behold, many graces I am allowed to dispense. You must be Jesus; and to be Jesus, you must receive His graces with humility and kindness and with love.
You are entering a season (Lent), one that can change your life forever. Do not wait till it is too late to change. You should be preparing now, so that at the end of the season you do not say, “Well, there’s another year.” The time is now to give of yourself, to heal relationships, to be more loving, to seek what is the Truth in my Son, and to be a light of joy, mercy and love. This takes preparation. You cannot live as if another day is there at your beckoning call. You must live today as if it were your last, and its beginning – a new life.
Ponder my words; and know how much I love you, and how grateful I am for your willingness to listen and to hear words from Heaven. I thank God above for allowing me to be here with you.
Many have desired to receive what you have received, to hear what you have heard, and to see what you have seen. Now for what has been given to you, much more is expected of you. Do not allow another day to go by without you working and cooperating to change interiorly and without you following God’s Divine Will.
Peace to you, for that is what God desires, peace! You can make the change, and this world can be different. Prevent evil from allowing you to think “bad” of others or to judge others. Look at the weakness of all humanity, and desire to be like my Son.
I bless you and take all of your petitions to my most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, which shields the blows of the sword that are given to you. I absorb them, and I am here to comfort you. Thank you for your response to my call.
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!