Public Message from

Our Lady of Emmitsburg 

to the World

Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan

June 3, 2007

Trinity Sunday

Little children, praised be Jesus! 

Thank you, little ones, for coming to pray!  Give all of your heart to Jesus.  You know, dear ones, that when you look in a mirror, you see a reflection.  As you look at yourself, you may see yourself as you think you are; but really, you do not know yourself totally.

My daughter Claire (St. Claire of Assisi) would say, “When you pass by a mirror, look; and there you will see Jesus.  And as you pass one another, act as if there is a mirror; and there in it too you will see Jesus.”

You cannot hide yourself from God.  You can hide God from yourself  by your free will and by placing your own obstacles, preventing you from truly being enlightened to know yourself.  But God knows you; and through Jesus, you have gotten to know one another.  Jesus takes you to God the Father by the Holy Spirit.

You can do all things through your faith, but you must truly believe.  If you believe with all your heart, it will happen; but you cannot hide yourself from God.  The time will come when you will have to know all aspects of yourself before you can see God face to face.

So do not delay, and do not be afraid!  The power of the Holy Spirit has been given to you.  The Holy Trinity blesses you.  God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit love you so much that your heart cannot grasp the breadth and depth of this elation.  The Spirit is within you; and if the Spirit is in you, then you are with God.  You cannot separate the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son & Holy Spirit.  The Trinity is all Three Persons in One God!

Know how loved you are, and be open to see your true reflection.  There Jesus will comfort you, and the Holy Spirit will enlighten you.

I take all of your petitions. I take them to my most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.  I love you.  Be filled with joy, the joy you can have if you do not hide God from yourself any longer.  Peace.  I bless you in His Most Glorious Name!

Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!