Public Message from

Our Lady of Emmitsburg 

to the World

Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan

November 1, 2006

The Feast of All Saints

Little children, praised be Jesus!

Little ones, even though I desire to give you Good News from Our Lord, your Savior and my Savior, no one seems to be listening.  One would have thought from what has occurred in past ages, that humanity would have paid attention to the consequences of the lack of response in prayer.  One would have thought, humanly speaking, that there would be change; that noting the differences from the past, humanity would make sure that the same things did not happen again.

I have been coming for so long, inviting my children to return to God.  Even if only out of curiosity, the urgency and seriousness of my call is not heeded.  Initially, yes, it may be; but then my children begin to fall away.  I am concerned at this point because I have given many, many messages to many, many messengers; and yet, so many others, including some Church authorities, think that they know what the Truth is.   They think that they do not need any more assistance, either Divine or through those whom God has selected, even though there is a discernment process through Holy Mother Church.

The point I am making is that all of my words and desires and all that God has promised seem to have been placed in some area far away from peoples’ hearts. Moreover, my Son has said, “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” (Mt. 6:21).  So if the words of God are not near peoples’ hearts, and if people truly do not desire a Mother, then my words too are far away from their hearts.

I do not come through the Grace of Heaven simply to be pushed aside.  It is because I have pleaded on your behalf at the Throne of God.  Perhaps all of humanity need to look at their self-centeredness and see how it is humility that achieves the epitome of grace; and see how in God’s Grace, they are then able to respond.  We are all servants.  Sadly, too many do not see this or do not desire to be a servant.

I love you and I bless you.  I have told you that there is not enough time to worry.  There is only time to change, and no time to fear.  Apparently, not only do you not fear, but neither are you changing!

My sadness rests with you.  Even my Son on the Cross cried out (“I thirst!“Jn.19:28). for those who would not be with Him, those lost souls.  I pray for you, children, that they are not you.

Peace (fading whisper).

Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!