Public Message from

Our Lady of Emmitsburg 

to the World

Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan

November 4, 2007

Little children, praised be Jesus! 

Little ones, God the Father is with you.  God the Son is with you.  God the Holy Spirit dwells in you.  I, your Mother, am with you.  We love you, children.  I will always guide you and lead you to the Way of perfection in Jesus.  I will always be with you.

Times are difficult.  There are many people suffering in various circumstances and situations, with pain at all levels, from children to adults, from my elderly to my unborn.

Pray with all your hearts, and never give up hope.  There can be Peace in this world.  There can be unity.  Pain and suffering can end.

You are all invited into this most glorious Plan.  As you dwell within my Son and my Son within you, the Cross becomes your salvation at all times; and there comes a point in time when your sufferings become your consolation.  As you accept and continue to surrender, you will receive the wisdom; and God’s grace shall be infused within you.

Pray with all your hearts, and you will see, that as you join together, how pain and suffering are lifted and Joy becomes your way of being.

I shall never leave you, not for a moment.  My Son is with you.  Know how blessed and loved you are!  Whether you feel loved or not, you are loved.  I embrace you with my Motherly Heart, and I shed upon you the blessings from Heaven.  Receive all the good things of God’s blessings through the Most Blessed Trinity – Father, Son & Holy Spirit.  Peace to you.  I love you!

Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!