Public Message from

Our Lady of Emmitsburg 

to the World

Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan

October 7, 2007

The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

“Our Lady of Victory”

Respect Life Sunday

Little children, praised be Jesus

Thank you, little ones, for praying with all of your heart.  God loves you.  You are very special to God.  I love you.  You are very special to me.

Life is precious.  The gift of life is immeasurable!  You do not understand the great gift you have from God when He gives you the gift of life.  The world would cease to exist, and all society would break down without the family unit.

Unity is what is necessary.  Children need to be loved, not abandoned.  Truly, it is easier to love than to hate, to give than to destroy, and to be selfless than to be selfish.  How wonderful it is!

Where would you be today, now, if your parents did not embrace the gift of life?   Where would my Son be, if in my “fiat,” I did not embrace Life?  God gives tremendous gifts at all different levels.  He forgives and is merciful; and He will continue to give, at all costs.

You have the free will to decide.  Accept the gifts so you can accept your life and love yourself, love others, and gain the gift of eternal life.  It is all about Love.

I take all of your petitions to my most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.  I bless you in His Most Precious Adorable Name, and I thank you for responding to my call.  Peace.

Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!