Public Message from

Our Lady of Emmitsburg 

to the World

Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan

September 7, 2008

The Vigil of the Feast

of the

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear little children, praised be Jesus!

Thank you, little ones, for praying with all your heart. In this world there will always be inequality of the poor and of the wealthy. But in the next world, God dwells in glory and in equality. What you do in this world, God will reward you according to your deeds in the next. At some point, all can be in glory with Him, but the main key to dwelling in His glory is spiritual poverty.

In all humility you must seek meekness and pray with a humble heart. In everything that you do, you must seek humility. Everything that you are gifted is a grace from God and is not of your doing. You alone can do nothing!

Those who are poor truly have the upper hand, and it leads more quickly to spiritual poverty. However, there are many wealthy; and these, my children, give in the benevolence of their work. But everything granted is a gift from God whether it is your health, your appearance, your financial means, or even your spiritual component. Everything is from God! If He took that gift from you, you would have nothing!

Live in humility now, so that in the next world you are rewarded more quickly this greater gift of reigning in glory with Jesus. A wonderful gift indeed, spiritual poverty, humility of heart! Pray, children. Pray with all your heart, and remember: Whether you are loved in this world or hated, if you are forgotten or if your good name is remembered, it does not matter because God knows. He will never forget you. He will always love you.

If you continue to pray with a humble heart, your name is chosen to be among all the saints where a seat in His Kingdom has been reserved for you. So seek only God; and give Him glory, for He loves you. And if you desire to give me a gift, the greatest gift you can give to me is to live in humility and do all your works in Love, for Love, and through Love – that being my Son.

Peace to you, as I bless you abundantly with the great gifts of Heaven and graces from the abode of my Son’s Most Sacred Heart.

Thank you for responding to my call.

Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!