Public Message

Our Lady of Emmitsburg

To the World

through Gianna Sullivan

November 24, 1993

My dear little children, praised be Jesus!

My little ones, do you realize that because of the current condition of the world, if I were to come to you only one time, no one would listen to my words of plea?

But because my Son loves you so unconditionally, He has humbled Himself to allow me to come to you in a very present way, to help you and ask your unconditional love.

As your Mother, I ask you to humble yourself before my Son.

Go before Him in the Blessed Sacrament and smother Him with love, in order that He will mitigate what is to come.

Do not ask Him to fulfill your personal needs.

He knows what you need for eternal happiness.

Simply love Him and praise Him, for He is your God.

He is the Son of God.

You have all become too indifferent, failing to realize Who is your God.

Your mortal, human ways have caused division and scattered destructiveness because of your desire to control.

I am now pleading with you, in these last days that I am permitted to be here, to love Jesus and follow His ways outlined in the Scripture.

Is there not one of you who will love my Son without expecting consolation in return?

How can I help you if, when He tests you, you will not allow me to be your Mediatrix of Grace?

Put aside your human desires and look to that which is Divine.

I bless you, my little ones.

I love you, and I am thanking you for taking seriously this call to love.

Peace to you in the Name of Jesus!

He is your God, whether you wish to acknowledge that or not.

The day will come that all will know the Truth.



(Our Lady requested this message be read to all.  Our Lady was very serious