Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“I want all of you, and not only in times of your delight! Quiet down. Make a place for Me to be alone with you. Do not feel it is necessary to be kept active at every moment to do that which makes you think you are in union with Me. Be in union with Me by reserving quiet, private time where I can make My abode of love in you. This is where you grow in humility and in love. Peace.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Do we delude ourselves when talking to God? Or do we truly open up to His Truth about ourselves so that when we interact with others we’re humble enough to do His Will and not be pushing our own(or someone else’s)agenda forward? Are we listening to His voice, or the “media’s voice,” as they hurl vitriol at their opposition relentlessly just to see what will “stick,” and like lemmings we not only follow, but repeat the hatred and falsehoods that are placed before us?
Atonement with God requires a level of detachment with this world that can be difficult to maintain, especially now, with “election season vitriol” being slung from every direction. And most of us repeat the lies we’re fed, not because we’ve done our research or due diligence, but because it’s easy and convenient to grasp at opinions that resonate with our personal world view but have little basis in truth or fact. And anyone, I mean anyone, who doesn’t see how selective the alleged “media” is as to what they place in front of the public, is walking at a level of mental blindness that not only pulls them down, but pulls those around them down as well, for we all become liars by proxy when we regurgitate that which is placed before us by Satan’s minions.
Our media is neither truth driven nor fact driven, but if we keep ourselves open to the Holy Spirit, God will illuminate us and give us sight, but it is incumbent upon us to dive in, and to experience the world as reality, not just to read about it or watch what’s happening on TV. It’s sad to see so many who’s entire worldview is fomented by propaganda, as they attempt to appear wise by repeating what they’ve read or heard, but lack the desire to perform the due diligence required to actually find truth buried in the mire.
Truth can be elusive, but if we keep our hearts and souls all in, and totally His, He will in fact keep us on a path that no lie can cast asunder. And if we remain in His Truth, our “distortions” will be few if any, and we will have little to apologize for as we walk each other through this piece of eternity in which He’s placed us.
If it brings us or anyone else to a place of fear and worry, it is not of Him. May we keep our souls on the path of peace love, and righteousness, and allow His Truth to penetrate every aspect of our being as we walk each other Home in His precious Light. And may our agenda be His pure love, for without that, there is no truth.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
QUIET (8/10/92)
My dear one, always look to find quiet space where I can make My abode in you! In order to grow in My grace, you must remove yourself from being the center of attention and, instead, grasp on to Me, allowing Me to overcome you in Myself.
I want My people to dwell in the abyss of My love. Do not hold on to any attachment of the world, but hold on to Me and overcome this vain self-love. Look towards unity and the ultimate union and harmony of oneness with God
The world is nothing without Me. You are nothing without Me, but everything with Me. Learn to seek intimate, quiet time with My all encompassing love. Spend time alone and allow the reality of My existence to dominate your aloneness, instead of your self-love. Be free of worry and remain clean of conscience. I have careful watch over you. I am not far off in the distance. I want to make My abode totally in you.
Please, My people, in order for Me to grace you abundantly, you must remove your desires of self-centered love, and replace your self-love with God-centered love in self!
Do not be amused with the thrills of the world at one moment, and then turn to God for graces. Empy yourself, so that I can fill you completely!
I want all of you, and not only in times of your delight!
Quiet down. Make a place for Me to be alone with you. Do not feel it is necessary to be kept active at every moment to do that which makes you think you are in union with Me.
Be in union with Me by reserving quiet, private time where I can make My abode of love in you. This is where you grow in humility and in love. Peace.