“In order to grow in My grace, you must remove yourself from being the center of attention and, instead, grasp on to Me, allowing Me to overcome you in Myself.”(From Gianna below)

It’s said that Mother Teresa never looked into mirrors because she didn’t want to know what she looked like. Vanity was not part of her psychological makeup apparently. I’m not one to stand in front of the mirror and primp, but I do concern myself with what other people think more than some of the themes I post every day would indicate. Judgement is all around us, and staying deep within, in the silence, and allowing God to mold us in His light without fear of that judgement can be an uncomfortable task. “Removing ourselves from that center of attention” as Our Lord says below, that we can attain “unity and harmony of oneness” with Him.
I’ve come to realize that finding that quiet time every day with Him does strengthen my resolve to carry His love forth without social encumbrances. It helps me to grow in Him, and to put Him at the forefront so that I need not worry about what others think. We’re all flawed, yet we’re all beautiful in His eyes, and to condemn ourselves is to condemn He who created us in His image. If we truly rest in Him, and put Him before all things, He will be our rock, as He is our salvation from all worldly things. May we remember this as we pray and contemplate, and allow Him to release us from vanity and pride, that we might carry His light forth in perfect unity with Him. In perfect love. Totus Tuus.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, August 10, 1992, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
“My dear one, always look to find your quiet space where I can
make My abode in you! In order to grow in My grace,
you must remove yourself from being the center of attention
and, instead, grasp on to Me, allowing Me to overcome you
in Myself.
I want My people to dwell in the abyss of My love. Do
not hold on to any attachment of the world, but hold on to Me
and overcome this vain self-love. Look towards unity and the
ultimate union and harmony of oneness with God.
The world is nothing without Me. You are nothing without
Me, but everything with Me. Learn to seek intimate, quiet
time with My all encompassing love. Spend time alone and
allow the reality of My existence to dominate your aloneness,
instead of your self-love. Be free of worry and remain clean
of conscience. I have careful watch over you. I am not far off
in the distance. I want to make My abode totally in you.
Please, My people, in order for Me to grace you abundantly,
you must remove your desires of self-centered love, and re-
place your self-love with God-centered love in self!
Do not be amused with the thrills of the world at one mo-
ment, and then turn to God for graces. Empy yourself, so that
I can fill you completely!
I want all of you, and not only in times of your delight!
Quiet down. Make a place for Me to be alone with you. Do
not feel it is necessary to be kept active at every moment to
do that which makes you think you are in union with Me.
Be in union with Me by reserving quiet, private time where l
can make My abode of love in you. This is where you grow
in humility and in love. Peace.”