Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“My dear child, there are many of My people who suffer, who do not realize that their suffering is redemptive and, therefore, should be received with joy. The closer you achieve the Kingdom of God, the more you will suffer, whether it be physical or internal. For those who are My followers are likened to Me, and shall suffer as I, and carry the cross!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Many ministries are born out of crisis. The death of a child or spouse, loss of income, depression, substance abuse, spousal abuse, and the list goes on. These things that place our souls into the “dark night,” a period of “death” where we feel our whole “world” crashing down on us. Note I say “world” in quotes, because the closer we do become to the Kingdom of Heaven, the easier it becomes to transcend things of the “world,” and realize that in “walking each other home” with Jesus in tow, He will give us a “job,” if we only seek it. A “job” or jobs that will resurrect our souls in a way that causes us to bring new life to others who are suffering. I only have to scroll down my Facebook feed and see that many of you who have suffered and are suffering, are bringing eternity closer to home by “clothing the naked and healing the sick and suffering” in ministries brought on by your own suffering.
We heal ourselves by healing others, yet getting over that “hump,” out of that stage of denial that holds us back from growth, requires full on Jesus. Getting down on our knees in full 24/7 prayer. Immersing ourselves in Him in a way that allows Him to bring us up from the ashes that we might serve others. The Catholic Church provides so many great means in which to pour ourselves into Him, whether it be our rosaries, Adoration, daily Mass, or sacraments like anointing or reconciliation.(confession) Placing ourselves at the foot of the cross where He so willingly died for us that all might live in Him is the only way, for there is no resurrection unless we first die unto ourselves. Suspending our egos and remembering that it isn’t about us, but about God’s Glory, and allowing Him in to guide us as we serve.
Jesus always has a place for us if we remain in Him, but we first must “carry our own cross,” and place ourselves at the foot of it as we remember how He loves us. To allow Him to feed our souls with the “bread of life,” that we might in turn serve it to others, and that we all might resurrect in Him, and remain all in, and totally His, from each moment on. It’s all in how we love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
JULY 11, 1990
My dear child, there are many of My people who suffer, who do not realize that their suffering is redemptive and, therefore, should be received with joy. The closer you achieve the Kingdom of God, the more you will suffer, whether it be physical or internal. For those who are My followers are likened to Me, and shall suffer as I, and carry the cross!
Salvation came to the world because I carried the cross and suffered for mankind. Those who desire My glory can only be glorified in Me through their suffering and cross.
Rejoicing should be exclaimed for those who suffer, for they have been found worthy by God to suffer like unto Me.
My people need to be strong to accept. Pray for them, child.
If they cannot handle the little suffering they endure now, how will they be able to endure the suffering of the world to come? Pray that they accept My strength, for it is only with My strength will they be able to overcome ali maladies.
All must pick up their cross. If they throw it away, only a heavier cross shall befall them!
See suffering as true happiness, for the Kingdom of God is close to all who suffer and offer their suffering for the salvation of the world. It is in the moments you feel abandoned and all alone that you can be sure that your suffering has not gone unnoticed, but that it is redemptive.
Be at peace, as I teach you and all My people to rely on Me; to seek Me; and to know that I am He Who can comfort and grant joy. My people choose to suffer without Me and they carry their own cross, instead of Mine. Do not create your own suffering. Look to Me and follow My way by remaining faithful to My Word. As you grow and come closer to reaching My Kingdom, you shall be deemed worthy by My Father to suffer like unto Me and be graced by the cross.
If you carry My cross with the joy of My peace, even though you suffer, your suffering will be redemptive.
There is such little time, My dear one. My people need time to change. Tell them to use their time wisely by beginning to change now for when the events come to pass which I have revealed to you, they will come quickly, one after the other!! I shall send My designated angels to unveil the secrets.
Pray that, by then, all who desire Me have changed to the good pleasure of My Father.
Therefore, My dear people, receive My strength and endure your cross and suffering. Suffering is redemptive when offered up for the salvation and peace of the world. Rejoice, those of you who have been found worthy by God to suffer.
The Kingdom of God is in close reach for you. Bless you, and My Peace I give to you all, now and for all eternity.
Ad Deum.