Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“The pride must be stripped in order that humility can replace it. It takes time to grow in holiness, charity and love because of human weakness, sinfulness and vices of the flesh. My mercy soothes the pain when My truth lances the flesh of its many vices. Therefore, rejoice in gratitude that you are loved by Me and that you are being purified in order for you to share eternal glory with Me.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“Washing feet” is a one on one thing. Every individual is unique in the eyes of God, and should be treated as such. While the social “playing field” in the “first world” has been leveled to a place where everyone gets a fair shake, albeit imperfect, we still get very hung up on “group identity.” 150 years ago we separated certain factions from society. Certain “groups” of people were separated and ostracized because they were brown, gay, “on the spectrum,” uncoordinated, looked funny, were Italian, Irish, Polish, female, or whatever people could use to bolster their own ego at the expense of others, or to benefit politically or economically. It’s been a very beautiful thing over the last decades watching society at large open their hearts and minds to people who are different from themselves. Many cultures have migrated here to America for many different reasons, and “races” have been intermingling to a point where the lines have become more than blurred, and while “race” is no longer a thing that can really be delineated anymore, factions are still working very hard to maintain separation into “groups.” We’re still using the words “black” and “white,” to describe people who are neither. It’s no longer the “majority” that’s creating the chasm, it’s political factions who benefit from keeping that “chasm” open who are working hard to treat people a certain way because of their “difference,” rather than make them an equal in spite of their uniqueness, or “difference.” These people call themselves “progressive,” while in many cases the behavior coming from them creates a culture that is moving away from progress. It isn’t infrequent that I’ll run across a person who will try to bully me for being a “white male,” and while my skin tends to run red to brown depending on the season, my blood count, and how much time I’ve spent in the sun, I don’t deserve ostracism anymore than anyone else ever did. I see people who aren’t victims of anything use their differences as a bully pulpit, rather than looking at each situation as unique, which it is. Every time something non utopian happens to a member of any faction, rather than finding a solution for that particular problem, we start blaming groups, and making victims out of other groups, most of whom deserve neither. I rarely if ever hear of potential solutions coming from any of these groups. Only the desire to complain for the sake of political leverage. People who were never bullied who want to bully others because their ancestors may or may not have once been bullied by others. Don’t get me wrong, there are people who are still physically abused because of their “race,” sex, physical attributes, or whatever. I’ve been that person myself, particularly as a kid who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I was merely different from those who bullied me, and my situation at the time was certainly not unique, nor was I special, and it certainly was never the cause of ostracizing an entire race for the sins of the few. Oddly and ironically, the county where I live formally declared that “race is a false social construct.” Then they started working hard to “categorize” us so that we could be treated differently. I pray that this insanity ends soon, as we’ve become a society of excuses and a society of enablers. We are called to be one body in Christ, and it is a beautiful body. Separating ourselves from the body for the sake of inclusion is beyond oxymoronic. We are a body where all are welcome. Unlike our churches and bureaucracies, Jesus doesn’t give us a “box” to check to decide how we should be treated. “All are precious in His sight,” and until we come to Him as one body, our ability to remain all in and totally His, will be stunted.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
Lesson #ll
In private chapel at home
April 30, 1995
My little one, peace be with you. I your Lord God bring you peace for l am Peace. I do not wish for My people to be distraught but to be filed with joy in the Lamb of God. REJOICE and be filled with joy!
I am with you. My mercy is upon you and I shall not abandon you.
Be at peace. Live in My love. Receive My joy. I tell you that not one shall be lost for all are accounted for by My Father. All My chosen little ones belong to Him. Not one will stray away that My Father will not bring back to Him. Be at peace. Live in charity and love for one another. Rejoice, I am your Lord God, your merciful Savior. Only you can deny yourself My glory by not allowing Me to be merciful. But, all My people have until their last breath to ask for My mercy.
Very few of My people have joy in their Savior. I desire all to come to Me in praise and rejoicing. I do not desire My people to be filled with sorrow or sadness. As I purify and cleanse My people there are emotions and sentiments of self-pity, sadness and sorrow.
But I do not want My people to be distraught by these sentiments but instead rejoice, be glad and have hope. The pride must be stripped in order that humility can replace it. It takes time to grow in holiness, charity and love because of human weakness, sinfulness and vices of the flesh. My mercy soothes the pain when My truth lances the flesh of its many vices. Therefore, rejoice in gratitude that you are loved by Me and that you are being purified in order for you to share eternal glory with Me. I love My people beyond their comprehension. Allow your hearts to rest in My love and in My peace, for I am with you. Trust with confidence in My love. Rejoice when you receive ill-treatment for the sake of My Name. You belong to Me.
What I have so shall you have. As I have suffered so shall you share in My suffering. Where I am in glory so too shall you share in My glory. Be at peace and rejoice in your Savior’s MERCY! Peace to you. AD DEUM.