Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Do not live for momentary pleasure! Live for My treasure of everlasting life. Practice what I teach and you will begin to live in the holiness of My oneness.
Do not only read what I say to you. Practice My words. My words shall take you all out of exile. Live in Me, practice My Way, follow Me! Rest in Me and live one with the Trinity! Peace to you.(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Jesus always has a place for us to rest if we only allow ourselves to partake of it. We so often immerse ourselves in the “have tos” of life and forget that if we’re living in His Will, every task should evolve into something we “get” to do, as opposed to “have” to do. Keeping our boundaries in place and being selective about what we “do do” will tend to keep us focused and centered on Him in a way that allows His Peace, that which “passes all understanding,” and gives us the grace to be able to rest in Him when we feel “maxed out,” or “stretched beyond our limits.”
It’s often that by learning to say “no” to those aspects of the world that place stress upon our hearts and souls, leaves us with more time, and room in our hearts and souls, to say “yes” to Him, so that the full impact of His Kingdom might flow through us in a way that allows every soul we touch an opportunity to rest in His perfect love and light as well.
Jesus calls us to conversion of heart, soul and mind, and as long as we stay rested in Him through every aspect of our being, He will not only walk with us, He will give us the time and space to rest fully and completely in Him, for without that rest, we can do little good for ourselves or for anyone else.
I pray that we all reassess, prioritize, and allow God to rest in us so that we might rest in Him, and He will keep us energized in a way that brings glory to Him through our thoughts, words, actions, and deeds, and brings His Kingdom to fruition, that every one of us might remain all in, and totally His. Now and forever, amen.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JUNE 8, 1989
My people, know that in your journey with Me, you need rest. Do not try to do all things at one time. Walk with Me at My pace! All will fall into place if you will allow me to dwell in you. Do what I ask of you… nothing more.
I have asked you to love one another. Be loving people, respectful people and merciful ones. Allow My mercy to flow through you out onto one another.
My loved ones, you who desire Me to dwell in you and have invited My love, do not try so hard! Be at peace and rest. Do not run ahead of My pace. You desire to please Me and, in so doing, are doing far more than what I ask. This will only tire you.
Pray, love and be happy, filled people. Give everything to Me. Allow Me to lift your burdens. I shall care for you.
Love Me by loving one another. Love all… not selected ones of your choice, and be patient, My people. All with time according to My Father’s wish. Be patient!
Do not live for momentary pleasure! Live for My treasure of everlasting life. Practice what I teach and you will begin to live in the holiness of My oneness.
Do not only read what I say to you. Practice My words.
My words shall take you all out of exile.
Live in Me, practice My Way, follow Me! Rest in Me and live one with the Trinity! Peace to you.