“Do not run away from tensions. Be humble to recognize the need for unity. Do not allow abuse; but be kind and if you are not at fault, humbly express your inflicted pain, but do so without causing conflict. Be secure enough in yourself and joyful in Me!”(From Gianna below)

I was terrible at handling any adversity from childhood well into early adulthood. I know now that this stems from having endured abuse in school and on the playground, and early on in blue collar environs where almost every conflict was solved with some form of aggression, whether it be verbal or physical. Ironically, it’s hard to be humble without self esteem, and mine was sadly lacking in those days. I spent a lot of time in “fight or flight” mode. I put on a good show, but on the inside I was always in high defense mode. I think the things I watched on television exacerbated some of that behavior too, as conflict resolution was typically handled by violent or aggressive means. I had become an expert at “passive aggression” as well. Instilling guilt on others at the slightest form of hurt.
We all know the adage “sticks and stones.” which ends “but words will never hurt me.” That can be a tough thing to embrace, as our natural reaction to harsh words is usually to go on the defensive. To be “triggered” as they say these days.
I realize now that many of my issues stemmed from the fact that I believed “the buck” stopped with me. That I was alone in problem solving and conflict resolution. That justice was up to me to impart. It’s probably a wonder I never ended up in jail. It turns out God would only let me go so far in that respect. I know that I’m not alone in this, as the message from Our Lord below feels almost biographical in a sense. It is He whom I now am able to place all of my heart, soul, and trust in. It is He who allows me to humble myself in conflict, and carries me through it in a way that allows and reflects His light, and His love for us. It is He who loves me through every situation once I allow myself to rest in Him. It is He who brings love to the table that we all might bring His Kingdom to fruition on Earth. Through His passion, death, and resurrection. “Jesus, it is through your blood we are consecrated to You, and You to us.”(From the Rosary of Glory.) In perfect love. Totus Tuus.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, August 5, 1992, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, I give to you My heart. There are many people
who will seem to always contradict you, or be
overpowering. Do not be threatened by anyone’s words or
actions. Remember, I am God! Be secure and confident in
My love, and remember that I allow situations to happen for
your growth in humility. Put aside your frustrations. They are
not firmly grounded. The abyss of My love is here to comfort
you. Do not run away from tensions. Be humble to recognize
the need for unity. Do not allow abuse; but be kind and if
you are not at fault, humbly express your inflicted pain, but
do so without causing conflict. Be secure enough in yourself
and joyful in Me!
Your spirit is free when joyfully it sings songs of love.
My grace is precious. Put aside anything that would get in the
way of My grace being received. Maintain a clean conscience
and seek to serve Me. When you make a mistake and have
failed, learn by your mistake, pray in sorrow for your mistake
and move on,
Do not block My grace meant for you. This is why I have
told you to look into the depths of your being: your chemical
(i.e. physical) and spiritual and emotional makeup, so that you
will be in union with yourself and understand your reactions
with love in moments of difficulty. Placing your confidence
in My love for yourself will allow you to maintain a clear
conscience. If you place Me first, you will perceive My love as
the most important value of your life. But the roots to selfish-
ness and other human vices must be severed. This is painful
at times, but your persistence, dedication and commitment to
My love will master your frail and lifeless habits and behavior
this is how you begin to love yourself. I then become the center
of your life, replacing you!
Many people have difficulty with this and, because they are
not willing to ascend to a purer interior state, remain trapped;
and they build that cocoon around themselves and never rise
to self freedom and love. The same is true if you are inno-
cent of error. Remain open to My grace. Do not harbor any
resentfulness, but place your confidence in Me and remain in
union with yourself in my love. You will soar to the abyss of
ecstatic union in the state of humility.
I love you. Don’t give up in these difficult moments. Offer
them to Me in the humility of My love for you. Peace, little
one. Ad Deum.