Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“A saint is one who has no personal desire, but wishes to fulfill the desires of all people’s hearts through My goodness. Anyone who desires worldly goods and spiritual freedom can never be a saint!”
“Sainthood awaits all who desire it, and reflect their love for My Father through genuine humbleness and elimination of self pride! The way to this journey is to simply ask without ambivalence. I shall mold them according to the soul!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

The “Communion of Saints,” is also a communion of sinners, and one who doesn’t recognize that could never likely be a saint. To perform acts of service in love is one thing, but to do it from a place of humility, placing ourselves at the level of those we serve without haughtiness or judgment, is what brings us down to our roots. It’s figuratively preparing the soil and the soul as servant leaders to work together with those we serve that we might elevate them to a level that they might also bring their hearts, souls, and minds to a place where they desire not only to rise from their own ashes, but to foment the desire to help others to rise from their “ashes.” Evangelization is like Amway, or “network marketing.” We help two friends, and they help two friends, and so on. We are called to elevate others before ourselves, and through the death of our own ego, allow others to rise spiritually and emotionally that they might reflect the light we share with them, with everyone they touch. And God’s Kingdom grows because of the “seeds we’ve planted.”
Is it ok to post our acts of service on Social Media? I say yes, but with the reservation that we don’t make it about ourselves, but to show folks “out in the world” what service in love looks like that they might desire to be a part of it.
Most of us as parents send our kids out to “compete,” yet think of how many could be fed if the money spent on “turf fields” was poured into acts of service, which is really what we should be teaching our kids, as opposed to using that time and effort to bolster the “collective ego,” as with team sports.
How do we shift our “collective consciousness” to a place that puts emphasis on service(humility) over competition(ego)so that they see and feel the need, and get the opportunity to bring souls to Jesus through acts of service in love?
I think first and foremost, through humility. Society puts emphasis on the ego where Jesus puts emphasis on the soul, and if we want to rise to that place of “sainthood,” we must first empty ourselves of ego. And teach our kids to empty themselves of ego. There’s no “money or fame” in sainthood, and only through the death of the ego, can we rise to sainthood, and live our lives in a way that’s all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
DECEMBER 4, 1989
Today My people live in a world of fallacy. I wish for all My people to be My saints, but My people do not fully understand what a saint is!
A saint is one who has no personal desire, but wishes to fulfill the desires of all people’s hearts through My goodness.
Anyone who desires worldly goods and spiritual freedom can never be a saint!
Those who act saintly are not necessarily a saint! To be a saint, you must be one from within! If you act as a saint on the surface only, you deprive yourself and others of the treasures of life. Remember, also, that to be a saint does not mean that man will not find error in you. What constitutes sainthood today, from your measures, is not what constitutes sainthood from the standards of My Father.
I want My people to know that all are invited to be saints on earth and in Heaven! Look to Us and We will prepare you, mold you and guide you. I wish, also, to remind My people that their world has turned into a world of hatred among brethren. If they feel that recognition from a man is necessary to be a saint, they are wrong.
There is little recognition today because of little love, but, if all remember to seek acceptance from Me, then they would not need any recognition from the world, because I would fill them with an overabundance of love. They would want to give love, instead of receive it. I tell you, My beloved spouse, there are few people, today, who seriously have the desire to be Our saints.
It is My hope, with this lesson, that all My chosen will recognize My call for them to be true, real saints, inwardly and externally! It is a call, not to act saintly, but to be authentic! It is possible!
My hope in My people is that they will hear My words with their hearts and ask Me! All they need do is ask. Those who choose to ridicule and slander the words I have spoken to each heart, and choose recognition through worldly props, such as money, choose to walk with satanism. There are many empty seats on My throne because many of My people have not believed that I extended an invitation to them to be My saints. There are now still available spaces for saints to come, if My people believe sainthood is attainable through humility and lack of pride! It is not their humanness I want, My child, it is their souls.
Sainthood awaits all who desire it, and reflect their love for My Father through genuine humbleness and elimination of self pride! The way to this journey is to simply ask without ambivalence. I shall mold them according to the soul!