“Dress your wounds by dressing Mine with your love. Be graced with My affection, and persevere to seek the truth of My love.”(From Gianna below)

Take God’s love and pass it around. The more deeply we allow ourselves to become immersed in Him, the greater our impact on His Kingdom on Earth. It’s all we’re really here to do, and if we put Him into every act and every interaction, we can walk through the fire in a “blanket” of protection through His infinite mercy. “Haters are gonna hate,” but if we remain resilient in Him, we will be the vessel through which His Kingdom comes to fruition, turning that hate into pure love. Not by complaining, not by activism. Only through love. He invites us into the love zone. Acceptance is everything. The keys to His kingdom. In perfect love. Totus Tuus.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
Seek Me
“My dear one, the fire of My love flames within those souls
who seek Me. The indefinable love, which teaches and
inspires interiorly, becomes the love which speaks outwardly.
When you sit quietly and contemplate My words of love,
your soul is suspended high into the abyss of love. You then
dive into the core of Mercy’s dwelling, the core of My heart,
also the core where My wounds exist. The area of pain and
sorrow is also the area of joy and love. Happy they who dwell
in the house of the Lord where the Merciful Heart is exposed
for all man’s salvation!
Dress your wounds by dressing Mine with your love. Be
graced with My affection, and persevere to seek the truth of
My love. Rest, persevere, and you will obtain your dream of
love Whom you cannot find.
I have not left you, but I am here teaching you inwardly,
procuring a place of purity in which to rest My head. Tend to
Me, My people! Come to My sweet abyss of love. Seek Me
with the burning fire within your heart and never cease until
you are found!!
How many of My people are afraid to seek Me, and
they grow fearful. All that is necessary is a humble, honest
heart, willing to receive My love as a brother, sister, spouse
or child.
My dear people, do not give up hope! As long as you are
of mortal body, you will feel heaviness of the heart. You will
not always continue in a fervent desire of virtue, but do not
give up hope. Continue to persevere and seek Me. Bear, with
patience, this abandonment and aridity until you are graced
with a deliverance from your anguish. It is good, at moments
such as these, to humble yourself to exterior actions, doing
good works and persevere for the glory to come. Not all can
maintain a grace of spiritual ecstasy!
Contemplate how your sufferings now are minor, compared
to the glory which is to come for you. In this light, you will
be able to persevere, seek and love Me with the burning grace
of My love. This is the ultimate peace and union of oneness
to obtain. Be always searching the truth and adore Me in a
Eucharistic silence.
My love is burning for you, and My sufferings of love
for you will never cease until the glory of your happiness is
united in the glory of the Triune God. Peace and blessings of
the Father of Truth and Mercy. Ad Deum.”