Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“So, fear not, those of you who fear you are not remembered or noticed! I came to this world to take you, personally, into My Kingdom! It is I, your Lord, Who loves you! It is I, your Lord, Who asks you to love Me by loving one another. Please be strong in your faith. It is your power which unites you in oneness with ME. SEEK ME AND DESIRE TO GROW IN MY HOLINESS!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“Yes, God even knows how many hairs you have on your heads.” Luke 12:7”

He not only knows how many hairs we have on our heads, He knows every aspect of our consciousness and sub consciousness, heart, soul body and mind. He can’t be lied to, so there’s really no use in trying. We can’t hide from Him, but if we keep ourselves open and pure, He will work with us to reconcile our sins by confessing them in a way that brings reconciliation to our souls through the redemptive correction that we bestow upon ourselves and others as we not only “clean up our acts,” we guide others on a way that prevents them from sinning the same way that we once did. This isn’t about how many “Hail Marys” we utter as our penance once we leave the confessional booth. It’s about true redemption by righting our wrongs in a way that redeems us through our love for others. We are forgiven, as we forgive those who “trespass against us.” The “trick” is that we “go forth and sin no more.” That we demonstrate to others the pain that we’ve caused ourselves and others that they might not repeat the same mistakes we once did. But mostly, that we love God more than we love the world. Yet that we bestow that love for Him upon every soul we touch, that they might also be redeemed through that love. I see no better way to remain all in, and totally His. Only through love, can we accomplish that.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
FEBRUARY 3, 1989
My dear one, My lesson to you and My people is this:
It is through the power and strength of your faith, and your persistence in loving, that allows you to walk with Me, talk to Me and touch Me!
My people need to grasp on to their faith and know that I dwell in them. They seek the blest in hopes that they will be brought to holiness and to Me. This is wrong! They need to seek Me in themselves and then they will grow in My holiness! It will be I, Who brings them to My Father! They need to accept Me! I will make them holy and blessed!
The shy, the weak, the downtrodden need not turn away in sorrow, thinking I have not noticed them. I do notice them.
I hear them. I have taken them to My Heart!
Rejoice! Hold on in the strength of your faith and know that I, your Lord, live in holiness in all who desire Me…
ALL…not some…ALL! I give My Holiness… not to some…but to all, who desire!
So, fear not, those of you who fear you are not remembered or noticed! I came to this world to take you, personally, into My Kingdom! It is I, your Lord, Who loves you! It is I, your Lord, Who asks you to love Me by loving one another.
Please be strong in your faith. It is your power which unites you in oneness with ME. SEEK ME AND DESIRE TO GROW IN MY HOLINESS!
Seek Me. I shall fill the gap in your love!
Love one another and you shall be loved in return. It is possible for all to attain the Kingdom, where I invite you to dwell in holiness. It is all possible…through love!