Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Pray that the discernment and strength to self death, because of your love and desire to please Me, will always remain as the primary choice in your heart ABOVE your own desires. Accept only to live out those experiences and things which bring glory to God Beware, also, of spiritual gluttony. Allow Me to even strip you of spiritual enlightenment to achieve total unity in abandonment through self death. Self denial is the way to embrace My Cross and die to the world, only to gain life. Peace, My dear one. Peace to you in My death on this cross.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

How often do most of us actually “deny ourselves” in life. My lab reports from the doctor lately seem to indicate that “gluttony” has been an aspect of my behavior as of late, and that I often segue from one bad habit to another one that’s just a little less bad, yet I do more of it and it ends up being just as bad.
Often, even when we’re performing acts of service in love, we can let “pride” slip in and crave accolades or applause from others for doing our “good work.” We celebrate our good work with dinners and galas where we “pat ourselves on the back” for our service, yet, while glorification of the “self,” give us a temporary dopamine rush, those accolades mean little, as the work itself and the Glory we give God, are the meat and crux of everything we do. Last year’s “awards” are largely forgotten by the time this year’s awards come around, yet the service in love we’ve performed reins eternal. Especially for those whom we serve.
Giving credit to others is another thing many of us fall short on. We have way more impact on the world when we die unto ourselves and allow others to shine, for the accolades we receive ourselves die with us. The glory we give God through teaching and helping others to serve reins eternal, and works its way around the world like Amway, without the anxiety related to having to “sell” the product. Love isn’t something we have to sell. It’s free, and there’s an endless abundance of it. We just have to actively manifest and allow it.
Mr. Rogers has said it, I’ve said it, and I’ll say it again; “If we want to serve, find the “helpers,” and help them.” We don’t have to be a “boss” and run things. We serve best when we’re humble. We love best when we’re humble. And we live best when we’re humble.
I pray that we fall on our knees at the foot of the Cross, and let Jesus remind us as to what true humility looks like, as our “humility goals” likely pale in comparison to what He has done for us. Humility isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it, for only through humility, can we live a life that’s all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
(Before Cross at Lourdes Shrine; 10/21/91)
My dear one, as I was dying on the Cross, I looked in despair for My Mother in hopes that she would comfort Me and be by My side in My last moments of agony.
She gave Me hope and love for My broken body. I could not find Her because the blood dripped into My eyes and My vision was blurred! In despair I thought, ‘Where is My love to comfort Me? Has She, too, abandoned Me?’
All I had was then to abandon further unto death of My own Self, physically and spiritually. Those who are blessed to suffer unto Me, must also be crucified and die to their very selves.
Self denial is the ultimate self death route. Choose only to accept those things that give glory to God. If it pleases you and does not bring glory to God, then it is not self denial! Do not deceive yourself to think that it is. Be careful, as you get closer to My Kingdom spiritually, that you are not deceived to think that you are living in self denial when, in fact, you are not!
Self denial is an emptiness, not only of physical pleasures, but also spiritual! Avoid spiritual gluttony. Abandon totally in your pain to the emptiness of self death, as I experienced and lived out for you. This I have done for you, that I experienced even the abandonment spiritually of My Father and My Beloved Mother, My treasures.
Many wish to know the key to self denial. My answer is to avoid all pleasures of self which do not give glory to God, and do not influence yourself to believe that, because it is your desire, it would always bring glory to God.
Pray that the discernment and strength to self death, because of your love and desire to please Me, will always remain as the primary choice in your heart ABOVE your own desires.
Accept only to live out those experiences and things which bring glory to God
Beware, also, of spiritual gluttony. Allow Me to even strip you of spiritual enlightenment to achieve total unity in abandonment through self death.
Self denial is the way to embrace My Cross and die to the world, only to gain life. Peace, My dear one. Peace to you in My death on this cross.