Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My people need to understand these differences. I am not calling My people to simple mindedness, or lack of knowl-edge. I am calling My people to knowledge and to life without complexity. I am not calling My people to ignorance. I am calling My people to a state of being of purity.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I truly do become anxious, merely hearing about the complex lives that many lead. Especially as parents, juggling work and family, with careers, organized sports happening with multiple kids, and so many things we just “have to do.”
There’s a freedom that comes with simplification. Setting boundaries, and forming our lives in a way that allows us to feel like we’re “getting” to do things, as opposed to “having” to do them. And saying “no” to things that don’t really serve ourselves or those around us in a spiritual sense.
We get wrapped up in things that feed our ego, as opposed to our conscience, as we organize our calendars, and especially when we allow others to talk us into doing things that neither serve God, humanity, or even ourselves. Or things we simply don’t want to do, but often say “yes” to because we don’t “practice the pause,” and give ourselves time to think about what we’re agreeing to. Our ego wants to make everyone around us happy, when we should be serving God from the depths of our souls in order to make Him happy. And when we serve God and make Him happy, it tends to reflect back on us, and we in turn lead lives that are “happy.”
We, here in the US, spend millions upon millions of dollars on “sports complexes,” where our kids grow up on ego, while people around us are starving. We encourage competition, when we should be teaching love.
There is very likely going to come a time when God reduces us to a state of simplicity whether we like it or not, and the better prepared for that we become now, the better prepared we will be when that time actually comes.
This is a time when we should all be thinking about “simplicity,” or “simplification.” To turn our worries into prayer, and to ask God how we can serve Him in little ways. To make everything we do an act of love, so that we feel like we’re getting to do things as opposed to “having” to do them. To turn our souls over to God, that we might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
DECEMBER 24, 1989
My dear child, so many of My people mistake simpleness with simple mindedness and ignorance! I have said many times:
I wish for My people to have simplicity!’ Allow Me to define the difference, and make clear My terms for My people.
Simplicity is a state of quality of purity and naturalness.
It is NOT simple mindedness. Simple mindedness is a state of foolishness and ignorance. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. It is a state of being without knowledge. I have asked My people to be simple, not ignorant!
I never said that to be simple, you must be poor, did I?
So many of My people believe and associate simpleness with materialistic values. Simplicity and poverty are not one in the same. There are many of My poor beloved ones who lead very complex lives! Simplicity is the lack of complexity.
Any of My people who say, ‘you need to lead a simple life, suggesting monetary values, do not understand what simpleness truly means! The love of money will control you and manipulate you into leading a complex life, but money itself does not identify a lack of simplicity!
My people need to understand these differences. I am not calling My people to simple mindedness, or lack of knowledge. I am calling My people to knowledge and to life without complexity. I am not calling My people to ignorance. I am calling My people to a state of being of purity, especially during this tiding of joy, My birth. I wish for My people to understand, clearly, the significant difference between simplicity, simple mindedness and ignorance.