Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“My dear one, the soul is in so much need of solitude, a time to search self and live in the silence of the truth. Retreat inwardly to find the source of this grace. It is only through prayer that this grace is granted. How loud the whisper of the wind becomes, echoing and breathing life.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
“Illumination of the self,” or the “conscience,” can be a difficult thing when we’re walking in a state of being that’s largely influenced by worldly noise and propaganda, which most of us are to some degree. It’s pretty easy to scroll through Facebook and see where everyone’s head is as Satan’s influence grows in the world and our egos gravitate towards that influence. God gives us opportunities to bring peace to the world, yet our egos find some snarky political post to throw out there, and throw it out there we do, because we want people to somehow think we’re smarter than they are, or that we’re somehow more “illuminated” than they are, when the truth is that we’ve merely been “selective” about the brand of propaganda we choose to follow because we’ve become more caught up in the “world,” while ignoring The Word.
If we’re truly seeking God, then it’s incumbent upon is to reject ALL that is not of Him, take that time we’ve wasted pretending to become “informed” and allow God to “illuminate” our souls that we might not only see the world through His Eyes, but to see ourselves through His Eyes. When we open ourselves up to His Truth, without lying to ourselves about it, we tend to become more humble, because in the grand scheme of things, our opinions are worthless. Totally worthless products of our egos that serve nothing but the self, and ignore God outright.
God calls us to love, and we can’t love at all until we empty ourselves of hatred, and the only way we can do that, is to turn off the tv, put down that “news article,” and pray. It’s often that telling ourselves the truth about ourselves is painful, as we’ve all done and said really stupid things that we should absolutely be “embarrassed” about, but only by reflecting deeply on our faults can we grow in a way that allows us to live fully in Him, and bring His Peace to all of those around us that they might also want some of what we have. God will illuminate our conscience, but we absolutely positively have to be open to our own truth, and break open our narcissistic walls that falsely protect us from the difficult truths about ourselves. We have a choice, “self” preservation through narcissism, or preservation of our own soul through Him, which should be a no brainer, but our humanity and sinfulness get in the way, and often thwart us from being who God wants us to be. Vessels of His Peace, and vessels of His Love. Only by allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us, can we truly be a light for Him. A “sunbeam” as the song we used to sing in church as children goes.
Jesus wants all of us to be a “sunbeam for Him,” but first we have to find Him, and only by allowing ourselves to be alone with Him, and open to Him, can we bring peace to the world through Him. That every single one of us gets the opportunity to live a life, death, and resurrection, in a way that’s all in, and totally His. If it isn’t love, it isn’t of Him.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
(Livorgna; 7/9/92)
My dear one, the soul is in so much need of solitude, a time to search self and live in the silence of the truth. Retreat inwardly to find the source of this grace. It is only through prayer that this grace is granted. How loud the whisper of the wind becomes, echoing and breathing life.
So is My Spirit! It is good to reflect on your state, facing all imperfections with no place to hide. This is where union begins, knowing you are nothing and experiencing, by the purification of desolation and nothingness, that you can become everything in Me.
When the soul thirsts for life, because it is stripped of sensory and spiritual life, is when it has the graces of union and gives glory to the Father: God makes His union with you. Seek to find God through the praises of spiritual prayers. Deprivation of the spirit from worldly attachments will come to ALL who are joined in union with Me. The sinfulness of human attachments to the world through the senses and spirit must be stripped, purified and made whole if union is to exist, and for God to find His resting place within.
See the beauty in the simplest of God’s creation. Be in union with the serenity of the earth as the forests draw their life from the richness of the soil, where God has planted the seed. Each tree in the forest is different, but all yield to tranquil beauty which the birds echo in their chants. Listen. Listen to silence.
See the richness through solitude.
I love you, My little one, I love all My people, as I love you. Experience this love and see My love in all. The saints before you gave alms of offerings and penance, and their main message is still the one I preach to you today: to love; to give to Me; to give to one another, that those who are hungry and poor may live in union. The richness of the earth was created for all, so that no one should go without. Why, then, are so many without?
Give, and more shall be given to you. Never be afraid to come and be alone with Me! This silence of union is essential for the life of the soul. Even though your life of ministry be active, silence and solitude is vital and is possible. It is the backbone to any life of ministry. You must first face yourself in order to face others. You must first live in union with God before you can love others, or your life of ministry will only be short lived. Before you can go out to others, you must first allow Me to come to you and find My resting place through your own crucifixion and purification in solitude. Now let us pray together here and listen to this silence.
Blessings and peace as My Spirit of the wind breathes for your soul. Ad Deum, My love. Ad Deum.