Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Come to Me, My dear people of My creation. Allow Me to refresh you and replenish you with life. Come to Me and I shall give you plentiful drink, the true nourishment and soul’s requirement for life, comfort, happiness and peace. Come to Me and receive My mercy, the gift of your redemption which awaits to be claimed.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“You’ve gotta have fertilizer if you want to grow things. Something has to die so that something stronger can grow in its place.”(Father Keith Boisvert at my first reconciliation, or confession)

This past week was one of great loss, but it was also one of great hope, and my heart and soul have emerged from it with much hope, and even comfort. We experience sorrow, but need to remember how the people in our lives have made us into who we are whether it’s through good experiences or bad.
Our Pastor, Father Keith retired this weekend, and I was very blessed to get to spend a couple of hours with him and his replacement, Father Matt Buening in a fairly intimate setting as I helped the Knights of Columbus move everything he(Fr Matt)owned into the house that serves as our parish rectory. We ate subs afterwards, and got to chat about things. Father Keith has built a very strong, vibrant, diverse, and beautiful parish from the ground up, and today he hands the reins over to Father Matt, a young vibrant priest with room to grow with us as we grow with him.
I’ve cried a lot of bittersweet tears over this change in the last few months, but I have much hope in this “resurrection” and new life that the change will bring.
We also lost a parishioner on the same day of Father Keith’s retirement, a beloved wife and mother, who’s mother before her was truly a saint, but she left behind a son, a servant of God, who has so much talent and much of the spiritual bones of his saintly grandmother, that the potential leaves my heart in a peaceful place. The rainbow in the picture below took place during the “viewing” or “visitation” of the grandmother, which was taking place about a mile up the road a few years ago. I know that God’s plan here is nothing short of perfect, and I hope to be witness to the growth of the wonderful family left behind by these beautiful faith filled women whom God called Home early in life.
I also lost another person in my life, whom it turns out I enabled way too much, and I have had to make much reconciliation with that as well. My enabling had nothing to do with the loss itself, but I’ve learned some powerful lessons here as well, and I have shed tears in this one as well. Not about the loss of the person as much as how I let him use me to hurt others. In the end, the Holy Spirit intervened, and I was released, not even intentionally. Lessons learned.
It’s in our trials that we grow, and when we come to that place of sorrow, so also comes the time to place ourselves at the foot of the cross. To humble ourselves before Jesus and remember what He did for us. That we might die unto ourselves, and resurrect as new Life in Him, and remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
NOVEMBER 7, 1989
My dear child, My people have sorrow because they are slaves to sin! If they would come to Me, I would purify and cleanse them. I would wash them with My blood, the blood of forgiveness. I do not call My people to Me to be slaves, but to be My Saints!
There are those, who come to Me out of curiosity, running busily here and there, but making no effort towards a true contrition. So they live in their sorrow. Oh! If My beloved would come to receive Me in My Eucharist, I would cleanse them and comfort them. I would place the truth of My law in their hearts and on their minds. The sorrow is that they cannot accept the truth of My words, and do not believe that My sacrifice for men was to sanctify them through forgiveness in My bloodshed.
I came to do the Will of God, His Will of saving man from condemnation and sanctifying them through My Blood for redemption.
My sorrow is viewing the many who do not wish to receive My Body and Blood. If only one priest performed consecration of My Eucharist in only one sanctuary, people would flock to receive Me. They would want to see the Divine Mysteries. But there are many priests who have the power of My Mystery and, yet, there are so few who receive it with an open heart!
My people live in sorrow, a pain deeply embedded in their souls. As each day goes by, their pain does not alleviate, but continues to deepen until their hearts turn cold, and then to ice! The numbness exists and they co-exist, not as co-redeemers, but as co-destructors! They exist in the only possible way…with no love! Their sorrow and pain are true, which clouds their hearts, minds and souls with such viscosity that they mourn. The mourn because their souls thirst for love and honesty, but their hearts have turned to ice! If only they would come to Me, I would refresh them with life, the love of life and the beauty of all creation.
Man will not be able to exist much longer with icy hearts because the soul will die. Love, and openness to receive love through the heart, nourishes the soul. If you do not wish My love and gifts, your hearts will freeze and your souls die!
Do not allow the glamour of evil to hypnotize you. Evil will mesmerize you, then deceive you! Your oxygen of life will be depleted and your hearts will grow cold until final damnation freezes them, and the soul mourns in death for all eternity.
Come to Me, My dear people of My creation. Allow Me to refresh you and replenish you with life. Come to Me and I shall give you plentiful drink, the true nourishment and soul’s requirement for life, comfort, happiness and peace. Come to Me and receive My mercy, the gift of your redemption which awaits to be claimed.