Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
Jesus through Gianna from below; “My child, I would like you to start being and living the holiness of Me…not only in your actions, but in your daily thoughts and feelings. Do not be holy on the surface, be holy within, and throughout your entire body. BE ME!
(Jesus talked to me before each Sorrowful Mystery, beginning with the second mystery).”
Life, if lived to its fullest will always mean great change, for without great change, good and bad, we remain stagnant, and often useless to ourselves and others. Change often means stepping out of our “comfort zones,” and dying to our “old selves,” and rising from our own ashes, our thoughts, opinions, and feelings, that tend to keep us “locked in” to a way of life that rarely serves us or anyone else.
No one has demonstrated this change more greatly than Jesus, in His Passion, death, and resurrection, where he not only rose to new life in Heaven at the right hand of The Father, He still lives in millions upon millions of us, as we do our best to grow in Him, helping others to grow in Him. And keeping His most powerful and glorious legacy alive and well some 2000 years after the fact.
To grow into Jesus, we do have to die into ourselves, shed our egos, and cast our skepticism towards His “realness” aside, as I have done in my segue from militant agnosticism and strong criticism of all religion, to doing my best to living a life that’s “all in, and totally His.
The first time I had ever heard of Gianna, she was on the front page of our local paper casting visions to a packed house in a large “standing room only” venue, and I recall “rolling my eyes.” Asking myself about the gullibility factor of this large crowd. Arrogant, scoffing someone and something I knew nothing about. It took quite a series of “death and resurrections” on my part to bring me from then to now, as Jesus decided that my past skepticism made me the perfect “tool” to use to bring Him to people and people to Him through these miraculous renderings through her.
So it’s time to start fresh in these volumes once again, as I have done before, to keep going through them, as well as the scriptures, and hopefully maturing as I work to try to apply them to my daily life as well as yours, that we all might die unto our old selves in this Christmas Season, and rise to new life in Him, from the “Joyful mysteries to the Glorious! And putting emphasis on the sorrowful as we lay ourselves at the foot of His Cross, and ask Him to show us how we might rise again in Him, and bring others into His flock that they might live lives that are also, “all in,” and totally His.
To live life from my morning reflections to my nightly prayers with Terry in a way that exemplifies both, and trying to avoid Hypocrisy, that we all tend to lean towards at times.
I recommend daily rosary praying to everyone, for the mysteries lying therein are entirely biblical, word for word, not just Catholic, and see the Gospel through the eyes of Mary, and woe to any soul who dismisses Mary’s role in salvation history, for no one saw it through a more perfect lens than Her.
I’m also very excited about our new pastor at St Katharine Drexel, Father Matt Buening, as he has been placed at the helm of our relatively new, thriving and diverse parish, and I look forward to working with him, as he brings the Bible to new life in us, and unites us in love. I’ve been blessed to spend much time with him, and he’s as real a deal as I’ve ever seen in the “Catholic Priest business.” All are welcome at SKD, and all you need to do is step out of your “comfort zone,” and come on down, for renewal is at hand!
Hopefully many of us will receive the call this coming year, to let the spirit in, and cast the demons out, as we work to keep ourselves and others living lives that are all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol 1
Lessons From Our Lord
SEPTEMBER 20, 1988
My child, I would like you to start being and living the holiness of Me…not only in your actions, but in your daily thoughts and feelings. Do not be holy on the surface, be holy within, and throughout your entire body. BE ME!
(Jesus talked to me before each Sorrowful Mystery, beginning with the second mystery).
2ND MYSTERY (Scourging at the Pillar)
The pain of My scourging was not the scourge, but in who was doing the scourging. That pain still exists.
I always comforted, but when that time came for the Lord, God, to be comforted, My loved ones could not, because they were afraid. Yes, fear, like in today’s world. People live in fear. Where is the trust in the Lord, God’s comfort?
3RD MYSTERY (Crowning of Thorns)
Then I accepted My thorns for the sake of My people’s fear, and forgiveness of their sins, but My people could not accept this. That is the sorrow.
4TH MYSTERY (Carrying of the Cross)
Then I carried My cross for My people. But My people will not carry their cross for Me. How weak in faith you are!
You all want someone else to carry your cross, and you want eternal life too.
I say to you: “Carry your own cross and carry your brother’s and then come into My Kingdom!”
5TH MYSTERY (The Crucifixion and Death on the Cross)
My people could not stop at the mockery of Me, but continued with the mockery of My mother, who cried for you at the foot of My cross, and who is still crying for you. She lived My sorrow and is still living it.
Feel the pain she feels.