Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I am here to heal you and mend your souls. I am here to restore them to health. I bring you hope, for if My Father did not allow Me to heal your soul spiritually, what a gloomy future of death would be ahead!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I think most all of us have endured some kind of “dark night of the soul” at some point or points in our lives. Something that’s pulled us so far down that we see no way out, whether it be the loss or death of someone we love, or some aspect of our own sin that leaves us in a dark place. It might be an unwanted pregnancy, in our own body or one that we’ve placed in another. It might be difficulty with addiction on our own part or of someone close to us. It might even be a political situation we’re forced into because of our skin color, sex, or where we exist geographically.
No matter how low we go, Jesus is never ending and constant. He is always, always available for us 24/7 and beyond, and ready to heal us in ways that are not only healing for us, they’re healing for those around us as well if they’re paying attention to what’s actually happening through, with, and in us, as we place ourselves at the foot of His Cross, and bring our souls back to the place of redemption to which He calls us.
He’s reachable through our sacraments and our prayers, but most of all He comes to us through our humility. Our ability to drop our egos and our shields; those things we hide behind for false assurance. And, if we remain open and humble, He also reaches us through others who are also living in Him. People who are also humbling themselves before Him, and even before us as we present ourselves to them, as we ourselves are sometimes the “least of these” that Jesus refers to in Matthew 25:40. None of us have perfect lives, and the more we help each other reach for His perfection, the more tempered we become ourselves, as we walk each other through and in His Heavenly Kingdom.
There are very few who don’t know His Name, yet there are also those who would blaspheme His name, not so much with their words, but when they use His name for things that are not of Him. We must be wary of that as we use His “license to heal,” for to tarnish or take His Name in vain will bring death to our own souls, and negate everything that He, or we, have worked for. We will never be perfect as He is perfect, but to keep ourselves on a Holy Path as we do our best to reflect His perfection, will keep us from falling into our own sin as we bring His Light to others, and ultimately to the world. And by remaining all in, and totally His, with every action, every word, and every breath.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
SEPTEMBER 30, 1989
My dear child, it is not physical healing which is the greatest gift from My Father, but the spiritual healing of the many lost souls.
I, your Jesus, continue healing My people’s souls so that they can live forever.
The Son of Man came to gather His people and heal them spiritually. This was the main purpose. I healed physical ailments… because of My Mother, Who suffered by seeing her children suffer through their diseases!
Know this, it is your souls which must be healed in order to receive everlasting life, not your bodies! I tell you, better for your bodies to be chastised now, than for your souls to be chastised later!
Allow Me to spiritually heal you, My people. This grace is the most vital. A nourished soul is a healthy soul. Healthy souls live!
Deceit is what I wish to cleanse and remove from your inner beings. I have mercy on your souls, and they rejoice in Me! I feed your souls with My Spirit and dwell in them at all times.
Come to Me, you in spiritual need! I shall give to you the greatest gift from My Father. The physician need not heal the healthy, but the suffering.
I am here to heal you and mend your souls. I am here to restore them to health. I bring you hope, for if My Father did not allow Me to heal your soul spiritually, what a gloomy future of death would be ahead!
Pray for your spiritual health and seek My Father’s kingdom.
I shall cast out the spirits in your souls, and infuse My Spirit of life and nourishment.