“Desire only to be close to Me, and I will ascend you into another dimension of life, My life, where My goodness knows only that which is good, total peace, love and virtue.”(From Gianna below)

God’s love for us transcends our ability to describe it for the most part. I think if we did have the ability to describe the way He allows atonement with Him, there would be lines around the block at churches and prayer chapels so that we could all become filled with His Spirit that we might carry His word and His love forth for all to see, hear and feel.
Looking at the number of churches that are still standing and in business, you’d think there would be many more souls out there immersed in His light, waiting at the ready to bring other souls in to share the experience. But we’re afraid to open up like that. It requires a vulnerability, a dropping of walls and shields that keep us comfortable in social settings. “Freedom from vanity” as Our Lord describes to Gianna below, and humility. I pray that we all strive to open up and allow ourselves to experience His love like this that we can pull others into that same light. To facilitate His Kingdom on Earth, in a way that allows His Glory to at least be witnessed by every single soul. It starts with me, and it starts with us. Let’s do this. Let’s allow this. In perfect love. Totus Tuus.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, July 28, 1992, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
Spiritual Matrimony
“My dear one, as the soul ascends in prayer, it comes to a
point where I grace it with My love, and entreat a
spiritual matrimony. You come completely into My hands
through a void of emptiness which allows you to simply be
quiet. I then fill the emptiness with heavenly love. This love is
not a human love of emotions, as you know it to be from past
experiences, but the mystery of the Divine. When in this state,
do not fight, but surrender even more; or the current of the sea
will only pull you farther away until, through exhaustion, you
surender! It is the highest, most pure form of ecstasy prayer,
one of a union with God. No words, no emotions, no senses
of touch, but an ambiance of peace like a baby sleeping in the
comfort of a mother’s arms. It entails no energy on your part
because the prayer of grace is all of Me, so hence, the purity
of My grace prevails.
How blessed are those who remain free of their vanity to
allow the glory of God to be their source of nourishment. I
feed souls far beyond human comprehension. At this point, the
beginning of your transcension will ascend quickly through
My grace; not that you may be aware. It is not through your
effort, so you cannot claim reward from your effort. But gra-
ciously give praise to Me for My goodness in ascending you
in My love, a love I merit and emanate out to all I desire. Hear
what you think you have grasped. It will be realized that you
have only learned very little! What you have acquired is less
than nothing; and so you exist in a tunnel of an empty void,
not seeing ahead nor behind, suspended, but traveling like the
speed of light in space.
If you allow yourself to allow Me to filter in My love,
you will progress rapidly, even though at times, from the hu-
man element, uncomfortably! The discomfort is due to your
lack of surrendering. When you have experienced surrender
even further, you are no longer aware that you even have the
control to surrender!
Desire only to be close to Me, and I will ascend you
into another dimension of life, My life, where My goodness
knows only that which is good, total peace, love and virtue.
It is past the level of human comprehension. Do not analyze.
Do not even attempt in fervor to seek more. You must just
be who you are, not knowing who you are, but knowing you
are because of Me!!
Come, come and be quiet now. Rest and listen to the
silence of emptiness of the world. You will hear treasures of
harmonious harps from the heavens!
Peace, My love. Peace. Peace. Peace.