Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
”As you dissolve into Love, your ego fades. You’re not thinking about loving, you’re just being love, radiating like the sun.”-Ram Dass
“Remember, I can advance you, if I so desire and in a short time, what might take someone else a lifetime! It is what I desire because what I desire gives glory to God. Never raise your spirit to boast of your self-achievement in your spiritual journey. Always remain lowly. For remember, when I invite My guests to My wedding feast, I may invite someone better than you to sit at the front table, and you may be asked to sit at the back! Always see yourself as lowly in a healthy way and when I desire you to be first at the banquet, you shall be asked!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Ram Dass, who is quoted in the meme below never identified as a Christian, in fact he was a Harvard guy who experimented with psychedelic drugs with Timothy Leary, yet, so many of His quotes are very much aligned with our walk with Christ, that I’m often inclined to use them in spite of the perceived “philosophical differences” he carried with him in his life on earth. The only reason I’m even saying this, is that I’ll often come up with a great quote, and get chastised by someone who will point out that many of the philosophical differences of the source might not align with “Biblical truth,” or whatever, and therefore the quote, although perfectly valid and true, and often quite wonderful, shouldn’t be used. I might quote a Zen Buddhist, but it doesn’t make me a Zen Buddhist, nor should it indicate that I’m somehow out of alignment with my own faith. I’ve quoted Muslims as well, but that in no way lessens the impact or importance of Jesus in our lives. I was berated a little while back for quoting a perceived “lukewarm Christian,” yet, yes, lukewarm Christians can have great ideas too.
Spiritual maturity isn’t always about who’s right and who’s wrong, but about what is right and what is wrong. We’re all children of God, and we’re all capable of rendering great ideas with great love, which is what Jesus calls us to do, even though the “philosophical vehicle” everyone is traveling in may not necessarily be of Him.
We call people to Jesus by inclusion and love, not by bickering over doctrine. When doctrine is wrong, we have a responsibility to call it out, but everyone has good ideas, and just because they might have some bad ones up their sleeve, doesn’t mean we should toss their good ones out.
Ego= “edging God out.” I got that quote from a friend who is very aligned with the mission of Jesus Christ,” and it quickly reflects much of what is said in the quote below. The better we become at “suspending our egos,” the more “spiritually mature” we will become. Only by suspending our egos can we allow Him to penetrate the core of our beings and our souls in a way that “sends us forth” from a place that is real. To become “little” as St Therese would say, in every way that we can, for His Glory. To stand at the back of the line, and to allow others to be “first,” that their desire to seek Him be enhanced, and that they might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
OCTOBER 25, 1990
My dear child, how I wish for My people to realize that they are powerless when they desire to control. They are only powerful in Me. When they give to Me their control and allow Me to discipline them in spiritual maturity, they receive My joy and peace. My journey for those who truly give to Me all of themselves results in their victory. My journey is not victory over others, but is victory over yourself, victory in receiving eternal bliss.
My dear child, do not My people realize that everything they have comes from Me? Even their thoughts are those which I allow; even their desires are those which I allow. If My people would realize that they are powerless and come to Me with open hearts, I could grant to them abundant graces. Those who come to Me admitting their imperfections and weaknesses, even though I know what they are, and without seeking self consolation, receive My virtues abundantly. Because even free will comes from Me, I cannot give the graces of My virtues unless My people allow it.
How pure, and what joy it brings to Me when My beloved people come and open their hearts to Me! Speak to Me and share your joys with Me. Be open and accept where you are in your journey, for where you are is where I desire you to be. Do not attempt to advance without Me advancing you or you will only end up taking many steps backwards. All must go at My pace, if they truly desire to follow Me.
Pray for detachment from your worldly desires and pray that My desires will always be yours. Be faithful servants by following and remaining true to the Word of My Father. As My people begin their journey, and even those well on My road must remember that I give everything to them. They cannot achieve any spiritual level unless I desire them to achieve it! Be grateful where you are and always focus on the Word.
Remember, I can advance you, if I so desire and in a short time, what might take someone else a lifetime! It is what I desire because what I desire gives glory to God. Never raise your spirit to boast of your self-achievement in your spiritual journey. Always remain lowly. For remember, when I invite My guests to My wedding feast, I may invite someone better than you to sit at the front table, and you may be asked to sit at the back! Always see yourself as lowly in a healthy way and when I desire you to be first at the banquet, you shall be asked! Never take it upon yourself to think you will be awarded such a great gain. Only those who give totally, sincerely, openly, devoutly and honestly of themselves by allowing Me to guide them will achieve such a bliss.
Tell My people to realize how powerless they are in controlling their spiritual destiny! Come to Me in your weakness, openly and admittingly, and I shall grant healing and strength and joy. Bless you, My people, and know that My firmness is not out of hate, but of love for you. Peace to all who deserve peace.