Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“If you give to Me all of yourself, you would take little interest in devastations to come, but would instead, submit to everything and leave all to Me! It is no business of yours to be preoccupied in fearful events. I would like you, instead, not to adopt any line of action or be preoccupied with attachments to things of little control as it relates to nature. LEAVE ALL TO ME. Be free, and offer your soul to Me in obedience, love and reconciliation.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
A friend of mine was verbally attacked and cursed at yesterday walking in the suburbs because her walking companion was wearing a political advertisement. I’m not saying which “side,” was which, because both “sides” of the false dichotomy we’ve been cast into by Satan are so propagated by the devil posessed media that it’s pretty much impossible to to make any kind of “political statement” without raising the ire of someone else. Civil discourse is “out the window,” and Jesus is calling us to Him, yet, rather than being a light for Him, we advocate for darkness, as we become wrapped up in our egos and cast Him aside, whether wittingly or not.
We’ve all been programmed to believe that the world is going to end if the “person” we dislike is elected “president,” but the worst thing about either “side” “winning” is the hateful rhetoric and obstruction that occurs when either “side” is unwilling to at least “listen” to the other that they might collectively arrive at some semblance of truth. Satan has so infiltrated both of these “parties,” and the alleged “media” that supports them that it’s impossible to associate with either without becoming liars by proxy. We work so hard to demonize the “person” who’s running, yet we’re really voting for ideology, and not the person, because that’s what this is really about.
Here’s the thing; if we give our hearts and souls to Jesus, immerse ourselves in Him, He will give us a place of respite from all of the hatred and mud slinging. The more of us who remain immersed in Him, the fewer opportunities Satan has to divide us, and truth may actually be able to find its way into the collective psyche that we might actually be able to find ways to “get along” rather than having to enable “opinions” that are ungodly.
This is a time to be “all in” to Him, because it’s not possible to pour our hearts and souls that deeply into either “side” of this false dichotomy, and still be walking with Him. We can’t have it both ways. We can’t be pure if we’re contaminated by hatred, and both of these “parties” have devolved into “hate fests,” where compromise has little chance.
Satan really loves our political ads. Think about that. With whom do we truly want to walk? I pray that we find our way to Truth in Him, for there is no way to remain all in and totally His without full immersion in Him, and we can’t have full immersion of we’re distracted by hatred. May we find ways to love as we go out today, and keep our politics “close to our vests,” for Truth only lies in Jesus. Everything, including us, belongs to Him. Let’s remember that.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message From Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, it is time for another lesson for My people. When you totally abandon your will to God, you are able to embrace all of your spirituality and you are then able to do what pleases Me. If you give to Me all of yourself, you would take little interest in devastations to come, but would instead, submit to everything and leave all to Me! It is no business of yours to be preoccupied in fearful events. I would like you, instead, not to adopt any line of action or be preoccupied with attachments to things of little control as it relates to nature. LEAVE ALL TO ME. Be free, and offer your soul to Me in obedience, love and reconciliation.
Renounce anything that leads you away from embracing every kind of spirituality. Quietly follow the impulse which comes from Me, directing you and inspiring you. I am molding you to be strong in the faith and have confidence in yourself through the security and freedom of My love. When you are strong, you can then be meek in spirit.
I would like My people to carefully tend to their duties every day and if they submit peacefully to My graces, then they will be giving to Me in total abandonment! This type of surrendering is also self-giving and self-rewarding, unlimited in its values and effects!
I am with you all the time, not to prepare you for destruc-tion, but to free you now in love. I meet the demands of each day; and when I find a soul that is pure, I make Myself known to it. I DO NOT WANT MY PEOPLE TO FEAR. When they hear of world disasters, they fear. You do not fear, Gianna, because you are procuring your relationship with Me through love of purity and a surrender to fulfilling daily functions in simplicity. This is My desire for all My people. Pass on the fundamental tools I have taught you about living in faith.
Teach all My people as I have taught you. Every step all God’s people take under My command is victory.
I wish to say these final words in this lesson to My people.
Know that you are guided and sustained by the Almighty, and that you are called to be full of peace and joy, not fear!
Everything brought before you is not meant to destroy you!
Everything is revealed in God’s plan and His Holy Book.