Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Lose your life for My sake and you shall find it. I am speaking of your human, mortal life AWAY from Me. Succeed in Me! Be last and you shall be first. This is an INTENTIONAL failure, seeking and following My Way. Not having is the way to receive Eternal Life’s success! Your culture today does not permit for this kind of behavior. Thus I tell you, what is impossible with humans is possible through Me. For I am the Way, and I am Happiness, and I am Success! Do not see Me as an instrument of your happiness, but see Me as the intrinsic way of life that you seek for your own sake.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Psalm 23

God doesn’t put us on this earth to make money and to win trophies and prizes. He does put us through trials and tribulations that we might humble ourselves, drop our egos, and hopefully find our way to becoming helpers. Ironically, success on “this earth” tends to be measured in how much we can “get.” “Whoever dies with the most toys wins.” But success in God’s Kingdom has way more to do with what we give than what we “get.”
God has a place and a plan for every one of us, but it’s going to be difficult to follow if our head is in the wrong game. Pursuing the very things of this world rather than “giving back,” and rendering all Glory unto Him. The things of this world die when we do, but what we render unto Him brings good to all things for all eternity, and that’s a beautiful thing.
We tend to get wrapped up in “financial struggles,” and temporary things that are real in the moment, but hold not one bit of value in the eternal sense, yet God totally has our back in the eternal sense through what we do render unto Him. Faith, hope, love and charity go a long way to keeping our hearts, souls, and minds fully in Him as we navigate the waters of pride and greed, but service in humility is the only way to eternal success, and that, we not only get to take with us when we die, but the effects of that service remain here long after we die.
Our “miracles” lie not in our luxuries, but in our humility, and God will remain in us, and with us if we but give our lives to Him as He gave our lives, as well as His own, to us. It’s way more than a trade off, and our eternity depends upon whom we follow.
God has our backs if we but remain in Him, through prayer, service and deep love, and if we keep our focus on Him, He will truly lead us on the path to heaven, where we are guaranteed an eternity that’s all in, and totally His. It’s the only “life” that matters in the end. May it be a life of love. His Truth, in deep love. Your soul is precious to Him. May the love we render unto Him bring us an eternity of peace, as we walk each other Home. It will change our lives, and we will be more than glad at the end of this life that we lived this way, for His love is perfection. It’s all that matters.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, today I would like My people to know how
I desire intimate happiness to be their way of life! I do not wish My people to seek emptiness or failure. I wish for them to be happy and at peace. Do not lose your sense of self.
Use the talents and gifts given to you. Invest in a success that is of God, instead of investing in a worship of success through various means enmeshed in performance!
Lose your life for My sake and you shall find it. I am speaking of your human, mortal life AWAY from Me. Succeed in Me! Be last and you shall be first. This is an INTENTIONAL failure, seeking and following My Way. Not having is the way to receive Eternal Life’s success! Your culture today does not permit for this kind of behavior. Thus I tell you, what is impossible with humans is possible through Me. For I am the Way, and I am Happiness, and I am Success! Do not see Me as an instrument of your happiness, but see Me as the intrinsic way of life that you seek for your own sake.
You are like fine cloth woven in My love! I ask you not to immunize yourself against your own failings. See it as a growth in My love and a growth in your humility to exemplify My love in purity.
I love you so and hope you will see that My desire for you is happiness. I am happy when you are happy! I want you to never lose sight of the truth. I ask My Father’s protection on you because of your innocence. Do not lose sight of the truth or allow the evil one to pollute your visual clarity. Stay close to Me, at all costs, through your faith. Believe in me, and failure will not exist because you will believe in yourself. treat yourself as if you are Me because I am in you!! Be kind to yourself, and you will be kind to Me. Love yourself tenderly, even through your failures, and you will love Me. Seek to serve others and you will be serving Me.
Love yourself purely, but do not deceive yourself and take pride or boast in yourself. Boast in God and, if you live in Me, you will live humble ways and boast in the pure of heart and tend to My lowly. Peace to you.