Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“It is your soul that lives and your bodies which die and return to dust! Nourish your souls and do not worry about what food you shall eat to feed your appetites! Eat for nourishment, and not for overindulgence. Do not be gluttons!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I have to confess that I’m on the high end of what I consider my “acceptable weight range.” These dark chocolate covered raspberries have been calling my name in the evenings and I probably eat what would amount to about 8 servings. I mean, they are raspberries, so there is some vitamin c, and antioxidants in the dark chocolate, but there’s also a layer of white chocolate buried under the dark chocolate that makes it soooo good. Its actually not as bad as the daily home made pound cake and Tillamook strawberry ice cream I was eating back in the fall and winter, but I do have lots of physical tasks I need to complete this summer, and “overweight” is never a healthy or efficient way to do God’s work. We deny God the fullness of ourselves when we do that.
Alcohol is another biggie in society. I consume very little of that these days, but the associated health risks are something to which we walk with really big blinders. It destroys consciences, families, and ultimately lives if we aren’t careful and moderate in its use, but it is a “zillion” dollar industry, and often an “elephant in the room” in mainstream society. Most of us know who our overindulgent friends are when it comes to that, and are probably rightfully concerned.
I’ve been weak in all of these areas at some point in my life, and as with everything else, am certainly in no position to judge anyone else, but when we compromise our health, we do in fact create more work and expense for those who don’t. Doctor bills, reduced abilities, and burden on our families. Most of all, it reduces our ability to affect God’s Kingdom in positive ways because we have in fact been engaged in some form of self absorption.
I think temperance and self love have a correlation, and very few of us don’t struggle with that in one way or another.
Anyway, here’s a little “food for thought,” and maybe if I, or we, absorb enough of that we’ll have less room, or desire to fill ourselves with more physical food than we really need to sustain our bodies efficiently. So that we can serve Him to the best of our abilities, and remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
SEPTEMBER 29, 1989
My child, My people need to be cautious of what they put into their bodies. Be careful of how you feed your appetite.
Do not overindulge, for the food you eat may kill you! Treat your body as a temple of God. Remain pure and be tender with your body. Be wise in your selections. Do not overeat and do not overdrink! Overdrinking leads to debauchery and beligerance!
My people are not aware how food will harm them. Eat to survive, and maintain your nutritional requirements. Overindulgence is foolish and will lead to suffering.
Drink your wine in moderation only, for you do not know when the Son of God shall come through the heavens. On that day, be careful to be sober and righteous in Me! What food you have in abundance, share with your brothers. Give to those who do not have. Do not keep your overabundance to yourself. SHARE!
After you have received your satisfactory nutritional assessment, give to those who have none and need to feed their appetite.
These are My words to you on temperance of your food.
Nourish your soul with the food of everlasting life. You feed your bodies without feeding your souls. It is your soul that lives and your bodies which die and return to dust! Nourish your souls and do not worry about what food you shall eat to feed your appetites! Eat for nourishment, and not for overindulgence. Do not be gluttons!