Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I am not calling you to change the world through My Word.
I am asking you to live The Word and see the world change before you! Blessed is He who sent Me, and Blessed is He who believes in Him.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

There are fundamentalist sects out there claiming to be Christian, who seem to think bringing people to Christ means berating them over the particulars of doctrine. Preaching The Word, yet carrying a hubristic display of ego in a “do as I say, not as I do” fashion. Preaching from an imaginary pulpit with clean fingernails, yet they’ve never performed an act of service in their natural lives. Bringing darkness to the table when Jesus calls us to be the light.
That’s what turned me completely off to Christianity in my early adult years, and it’s clearly turning people off today. Placing ourselves in positions of “authority,” when we’re called to humility. Casting people “out into the cold,” when Jesus calls us to bring them to Him.
I like to think The Word is best preached through how we walk, not how we talk. We tend to put the microscope over the “speck in our brother’s eye,” while ignoring the “plank in our own.”(From Matthew 7:3-5) We try to live in Him with our egos instead of our hearts and souls, while Jesus calls us to “die unto ourselves,” that we might live through and in Him. We get hung up on “who” is right, rather than focusing on “what” is right, and we waste precious energy and air by talking when we’re called to act.
I’m pretty sure holding a door open for someone, smiling at them, and letting them know they’re loved will carry a hundred times more weight in our “path to salvation,” than berating another person over doctrine ever will. Were called to “shine His Light that others might see.” Not to beat them over the head with it so they just look at us like we’re nuts and run away.
We’re called to love, and love doesn’t come from the ego, but from the heart and soul. From being “little” and humbling ourselves before Him that others will want to see, feel, and experience what we have. Only by dying into ourselves, can we truly live in The Word, lead others to a life that is all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, your tears are only healing from Me,

  • cleansing you of your own need, realizing your need is Me and only Me! What I want all My people to know is that I call them to total purity with Me.
    I highly esteem souls who wish to tend and adore Me, as I tend and adore them. Follow the way of My Mother. All of Her glory came to exist because of Me. How I wish all to adore Me and tend lovingly and tenderly to Me as She. How I long to rest My head on My beloved ones.
    Times are difficult for many, but I am here with you on earth and in heaven. I desire so My people to adore and tend to Me. Suffering is painful, yet joy can exist because I can grace you with this virtue. If you do not have My Joy, perhaps My purification of suffering in your turmoil is enough for you.
    Acceptance in peace with trust moment to moment gives you strength to receive whatever grace I deem fit. Remember, you merit nothing. It is given to you. I am in everyone as if that person is the only person who exists in the world! So do not think some days I am with you and some not! This cannot be.
    Oh, how blessed are they who quietly accept, without recognition and compensation for their efforts, their suffering when they feel nothing and yet, desire only to tend to Me and adore me! It is a true intimacy that the closer you get to the reign of God, the farther you think you are; and so you humble yourself unto Me, as I humbled Myself unto you to the point of self death.
    Blessed are those who believe in My Word and accept it.
    I am not calling you to change the world through My Word.
    I am asking you to live The Word and see the world change before you! Blessed is He who sent Me, and Blessed is He who believes in Him.
    My Father knows that anyone who would do anything for Me would never deny Him, for We are One! I bless you all My dear beloved ones. Come in purity to Me and adore and tend to Me, as I tend and adore you! Enter into My marriage without noting gender, only noting purity. Peace. Ad Deum.