Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Simpleness of life and satisfaction in God’s designs lend to the achievement of great heights in your sanctification. I did not give My life in vain. I gave my life for all people. I desire all to know that I am here and I am not distant. But I am waiting for My beloved people to allow Me to be Who l Am, for I cannot change to meet their needs or change to their liking. I am a God of love, and all My works can only end in love.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
To whom will I show God’s Love today? Sometimes merely practicing waiting in traffic and allowing others to go first helps me practice the patience I need to carry myself about in a loving way. Or yielding to others in the grocery store, and making them feel a little special and loved, that they might reciprocate that love towards others as they make their way through the store, or even through the rest of their day. Introducing ourselves to “strangers” in church that they might become no longer strangers to us, that we might walk together as allies in the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom. Sometimes the only love the people we meet and encounter in any given day is that which comes from us.
Giving love away is free, it’s easy, and it feels really awesome, so why do we not devote our lives to doing it?
Fear? Fear of “embarrassment,” that they might not reciprocate? Often they don’t reciprocate, but so what? Sometimes it flows back, sometimes it doesn’t, but what’s important is that we put it out there. We can only become better by doing it, and we certainly aren’t hurting anyone as long as we stay within acceptable boundaries.
There are 7 billion some odd souls walking on this planet, and I usually get to touch a few “handfuls” of them every day. God doesn’t place those handfuls in front of us by chance, but so that we can touch them in a way that’s pleasing to Him, makes our lives more significant, and simply makes someone else feel better. About life, about themselves, and hopefully about God, who loves us from a place we often don’t get to experience if someone doesn’t “show” it to us.
God doesn’t call us to church so that we can feel good in hiding. The whole meaning of “Mass” is to be “sent forth.” To “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, and to drive out demons.” (Matthew 10:8)That sounds like a lot, but most of the time it just equates to being nice. Even when people are mean, be nice. And be kind. It makes us better, and it makes everyone around us better. It’s the simplest of things, and if we stay in practice, our lives will be lives of deep fulfillment as we walk each other through this aspect of being where God has placed us. All things have the potential to become better through us. How we raise our children, treat our co-workers and colleagues, and most of all, how we treat strangers, as even a momentary glance can be life changing for someone who doesn’t feel loved.
“Light of the world, shine on me, love is the answer.”(Song by Todd Rundgren) Only through our love through Our Lord, can we keep ourselves all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I Am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
Lesson #23
In private chapel at home
October 6, 1995
My dear little one, My words I give to My people are in hope that they will realize the breadth and depth of My love for them. Many of My people feel unworthy because they are weak in virtue and imperfect in love. My life was for them and My love is theirs. Evil influence and weaknesses of the flesh continually crash as waves on the soul to distract and persuade it that I am a vengeful God.
The fact and truth is that I am merciful, forgiving, compassionate and understanding. The opportunity is there for My beloved ones to utilize. This opportunity is within their reach and it entails a humbling of the inner self, accepting their weaknesses and turning to Me in confidence and trust for strength and mercy. The soul is revived and the Breath of Life gains for them the strength to persevere. All my people are special to Me. Each soul was created to love and to give God great glory. In giving God glory they in turn are sanctified and purified so that they may receive the same glory.
I do not desire My loved ones to be downtroddened, troubled or discouraged; for I am a God of hope. I do not desire My loved ones to feel that they will not be able to possess eternal life and therefore become more distant from My love. These temptations only have one agenda, and that is to weaken them further and widen the gap between the truth of My love for them and their position.
Come, all My loved ones. I will not reject you. Draw near to My most merciful Sacred Heart. I desire to fill you with strength and hope and to encourage you to open your hearts to an intimate relationship. When you recognize your sinfulness and weakness but turn to Me humbly for mercy, I bless you, teach you and give you the power to rise to the limits of compassion and love for self. This gives God great glory when the soul recognizes that alone it merits nothing, but through God merits eternal life. For in Him all power is gained. This littleness is a dependency of trust and it surrenders unconditionally at all times and in all circumstances and situations to God’s will. Simpleness of life and satisfaction in God’s designs lend to the achievement of great heights in your sanctification. I did not give My life in vain. I gave my life for all people. I desire all to know that I am here and I am not distant. But I am waiting for My beloved people to allow Me to be Who l Am, for I cannot change to meet their needs or change to their liking. I am a God of love, and all My works can only end in love. When I begin to change situations of great need in peoples’ lives, it seems at first the situation becomes more hopeless. That is because the circumstance initially commenced and was controlled at a human level. I, in turn, must weed out the bitter fruit so that all will blossom with the sweetness of honey. However, many of My people prevent Me at that point to continue to prune the garden. They pull the reigns of control, and out of fear they take back what they initially gave to Me. They do not trust Me. Instead, I desire them to remove themselves even further and to trust that My mercy will prevail and that ultimately great works of goodness will surface.
Tell My people, little one, that I am a God of trust and that I can be trusted with the most hopeless situations, only to reap the most promising victories. I bless and love all My people. Trust Me.
Do not feel ashamed, unworthy or hopeless. I will save you and protect you if you will allow Me. The risk is in your hands. The decision is yours, for I have given you free will. I await to assist you at your call. Come, draw near. I am your Jesus of Mercy. Peace.