“Piety is having knowledge of God, but the gift allows you to perform your obligations to others out of the affection you bear for them in your heart.
It is not out of justice or a duty but a measure of love, a love which
passes all limits.”(From Gianna below)

I had to look up “piety.” It’s something I’ve always associated with being stuffy, or pompous, which doesn’t appear to be the case at all. I’m thinking maybe I can still act silly, yet be pious at the same time, which works out well because it’s kind of my style. I suppose it’s more about the level at which we bring God’s love to the table as opposed to the “style.” Our Lord says below;
“to be pious is to put total confidence in Me. It is to surrender unconditionally and entrust everything to Me. It is to embrace Me with a Divine filiation.” Now that’s something I can totally get down with, because the more God reveals Himself to me, the better I can see others as He sees them. It’s easier to embrace my own imperfections, and look at others through the eyes of my own sinfulness, so that I can love them as He loves me. I can “make it weird” with a certain divine confidence, and hopefully pull others into the same light. I think most people can embrace that as we walk each other through this life, and hopefully those who don’t, will at least experience some kind of “spark” that will one day remind them of the love God has in store for them once they finally choose to submit to it. God is good all the time.” Even when He takes those we love from our immediate grasp. In fact, I’d say especially then, because the loss we endure can be used to prepare us for something greater than we were capable of without the experience of that loss. I watch so many of you beautiful souls working through that pain, and allowing His love and omnipotence to work through you, as you use that loss that others might live in Him. But whether we’re experiencing pain or joy, God’s love never ends, and the more we put into that love, the more we will receive, and it’s beautiful when we’re in it. I pray that we all pray, and keep ourselves in that precious light that others might live through Him through us. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. All in, and totally His.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
In private chapel at home
October 4, 1995
The Gifts of Piety and Confidence
“My dear little one, when My people come to Me and love surpasses
all measures, they are bound to Me in the gift of piety. They receive
confidence in My love and in My care for them. Piety is having
knowledge of God, but the gift allows you to perform your obliga-
tions to others out of the affection you bear for them in your heart.
It is not out of justice or a duty but a measure of love, a love which
passes all limits. You join a fraternity with your brethren and your
soul overflows with a love you bear for them. Confidence fills you
when you allow yourself to belong to Me, to trust in Me like a little
child trusts a parent. This littleness allows you to rise spiritually to
great levels of achievement in My love. You attain the perfection
of My love. When someone comes to you for help, reflect on your
motives. If you give to him out of obligation or duty, you limit the
gift you can receive. Give out of the great affection of your heart
and you will master this gift of piety. Love has no measures of
standards. You can join in human fraternity through a genuine love
and affection for each soul. To be pious is to put total confidence
in Me. It is to surrender unconditionally and entrust everything to
Me. It is to embrace Me with a Divine filiation. This type of un-
limited confidence allows sin to be expiated. Your life becomes a
reflection of Mine, both in pain and consolations. Love separates
you from everything. It separates you from social position, wealth
and anxiety. It liberates you in My freedom; yet, it will also strip
your soul of its material cover, giving you the great consolation of
freedom. Do not look to justice but to mercy. Bear a great affection
for your brethren of love. I love all My people and desire them to
see the many masks which shield their souls from the truth. Liberate
in total freedom through love of Me and confidence in Me. Give to
one another out of love not out of duty. Do not seek justice, seek
mercy. Love has no measures.
Blessings on My beloved people. Peace to all. Pray for all in
love for them and share your gifts by utilizing the many graces you
have received in order that you will attain more. Unfathomable
graces of love and mercy are yours. AD DEUM.”: