Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Be at peace, and resigned to listen and pray; to do good according to the pleasure of God, and you will not be at a loss. If you seek merry things for your own interest, you will not find rest or freedom or peace because, in everything you search for, defect will always exist. But if you are humble of heart, continuously searching to please God and tend to heavenly things, you will secure a lasting foundation, one seeded in great wisdom and purity.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“The King will reply, truly whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.”(Matthew 25:40-45

Jesus loves the executive in the penthouse, the homeless person on the streets, the person in prison, the prostitute, the priest, the bully, the burger flipper at McDonalds, you, and me on equal ground. And that’s what He calls us to do as well. We as humans have a tendency to look up or down on a person because of our perception of “social status,” but the kingdom of God doesn’t recognize social status, and every single one of us, regardless of “social status” needs to be loved.
That’s why I love doing my morning walks in Wal Mart. I don’t think you can find a greater sampling of the various local demographics than you can in Wal Mart, and it’s a lot of fun to go around waving and saying hi to folks, often turning their “desperation” into light. Ironically, I’m still having trouble getting the greeter at the door to smile, but it’s in there..I can tell. He really does want to. I really do try to pour a little extra love on that one. Work in progress for both of us maybe.
It’s also kind of ironic that I’m sitting here thinking I wouldn’t make a good Wal Mart greeter because I’m not a “rule follower” per se, and it’s a lack of humility on my own part that causes me to think that way. I suppose it’s possible that Jesus could want me to submit in humility to Wal Mart management as I would to Him, but I’ll let the Holy Spirit decide if being a Wal Mart greeter is in my future. Not going to fill out that application just yet.
Same goes for “church authority.” Jesus often has a different set of rules than they tend to, and while He calls us to humility, He also calls them to accountability, and it’s hard to call a body to accountability when we put ourselves into a position where we’re required to be obedient to them.
I’ll leave that one alone for now, but the bottom line is just like the meme below says. Love them all. Equally.
Jesus is here for every single one of us, and the closer we draw to Him, the greater our ability will be to see others through the windows of their souls as opposed to how “the world” views them in the physical sense, for everything we witness in the physical sense has an “expiration date,” and the only thing that remains in eternity is the love we share with others. Without “stopping to inquire whether or not they’re worthy.” Only through humility on our parts, and deep love, can we remain all in, and totally His. May we spread that stuff everywhere.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, it is the humble and contrite heart I will not
despise. It is the heart that yearns for My goodness I will not turn from. I find pleasure in those who seek Me with a fervent heart, with persistence and self-giving surrendering.
A humble heart is a heart who loves what is heavenly in the midst of a humanly existence. A humble heart is one who always wills and desires that which is most acceptable to Me, that which will please Me best. It is one who seeks their will to be My Will always and follows it with a resignation of total surrender.
When I came from heaven for your salvation, I took on for Myself all of your pain, suffering and miseries, not because of the necessity, but because of My mercy, love and charity for you. You, in turn, must give all for all. If your love is pure and if you are humble of heart, you will be free and not held bound to anything!
Be at peace, and resigned to listen and pray; to do good according to the pleasure of God, and you will not be at a loss. If you seek merry things for your own interest, you will not find rest or freedom or peace because, in everything you search for, defect will always exist. But if you are humble of heart, continuously searching to please God and tend to heavenly things, you will secure a lasting foundation, one seeded in great wisdom and purity.
Things will pass away and even My people will pass away with them, but I am He who does not change! I understand all and sit in judgment of vanity and affliction of spirit. So come to Me, you of humble and meek heart – a heart meek with strength, endurance, not losing courage, but striving for good. BLESSED ARE THE HUMBLE, MEEK OF HEART.