Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:28

“Today, I wish for My people to know My Father, Who lives with their hearts and their thoughts. He will grant you strength to persevere, and wisdom in His eyes. He will comfort you, not harm you! He will cradle you like a newborn babe. He will not enslave you, but give you everlasting freedom, which your souls desire and plead.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

As we begin to wrap up this “month” where I’ve attempted to put emphasis on humility, as opposed to “pride” over the last couple of years, I’ve put much time into contemplating the ego. My own as well as that of others with whom I interact.
Our egos tend to look for enablers, and sometimes we find ourselves enabling the egos of others merely in the interest of peace. We often have to set clear boundaries as to how much “enabling” we’re going to allow ourselves to engage in, lest we find ourselves living lies in a sense because we gloss over God’s Truth as we smile and allow people, often including ourselves, to waller in “pride,” yet this rarely ends well. This is true with individual pride as well as collective pride.
Jesus did not die on that cross so that we could rub “pride” in His face, but so that we would learn to humble ourselves before Him, and bring others to Him. We can “set up the stage” in demonstrations of pride, but pride will reveal itself every single time, and truth will ultimately prevail. God will eventually humble us, whether it be in this realm or the next, and if we leave this realm with a strong sense of pride, the truth will emerge not only back here on earth, but it will be revealed to us in the next house God has prepared for us whether we like it or not.
Pride is an anchor, and unless we release it from our souls, we are destined to drown in it, and it’s a constant work in progress for me, and I’m sure others as well. Without awareness, it’s easy to become drawn into our egos, and let them rule over our spirits, and there goeth the fall. “Fallen” is not a good state, which we know from all the way back to Genesis, yet we constantly poise ourselves to fall, as opposed to placing ourselves at the foot of the cross and humbling ourselves as He who is much greater than us humbled Himself before us. I pray that we end this month with a “shift in consciousness,” which I speak of often, for that’s what it typically takes to align ourselves with Him, His Will, and His Plan for us, as we work to remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
NOVEMBER 1, 1989
I wish My people to perceive Me as a living God, and accept My Spirit as the source of all goodness. My people do not perceive Me as living as they live! They do not will My presence to live in them. What their minds cannot conceive intellectually, they cannot understand nor accept.
Even as I tell you I live in the true sense of the word, their thoughts cannot comprehend it because they do not accept this truth. Many can feel My Spirit in them but they do not believe that I am I, in the truest sense, living in them, with them! My people think that God, being the higher authority, created them but that they cannot be like Him. This is not true!
God created man in the likeness and image of Me, so that all could live in oneness with the Trinity.
Man does not seek perfection in the eyes of God. He belittles himself! All men should seek the kingdom of God, knowing that the kingdom belongs to them, and was created so that they could have eternal glory through Me. I wish for all My people to know, that in their imperfection of humanity, they are made perfect in the eyes of God, should they seek it in all goodness.
How My people restrict themselves by limiting, with their minds and hearts, what is attainable. What man does not understand with his mind, he does not seek! If man does not understand God, he will not seek Him! That is why I always spoke in parables.
Man could not understand the truth of My words, and would only accept what he wanted to hear, had I not spoken in parables. Even now, in these lessons, few will grasp the total truth and seek My Father’s Kingdom.
Today, I wish for My people to know My Father, Who lives with their hearts and their thoughts. He will grant you strength to persevere, and wisdom in His eyes. He will comfort you, not harm you! He will cradle you like a newborn babe. He will not enslave you, but give you everlasting freedom, which your souls desire and plead.
Know your God. He is your friend for all eternity! Call Him Abba, for He is your ‘Daddy’! He is My Abba, and He is your Abba!
Rejoice, O highly favorite ones, you are the new Israel, where only peace, love and freedom shall be her fruitful gifts!
All who seek the Kingdom, the Kingdom of God, shall enter and live for all eternity!