Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“My people have allowed themselves to think that God lives in a far-away place. They, through their imagination, have distorted My Father’s Kingdom as being one which is not attainable. Do not belittle yourselves! I, your Lord, am tangible!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Like Peter, we can all be prone to denial of Jesus. Like Thomas, we all carry a level of doubt in us at times that causes us worry and lack of trust. As the world shoots its “daggers” at us, it can be easy to turn on our egos and walk the earth with pride, as opposed to the humility that Jesus demonstrated and taught us, but only through humility and submission, and the willingness to lay down our lives for our brethren, can we keep Him close that others might follow. This is a constant work in progress for me as I watched way too many Clint Eastwood movies and the like where solutions come from destruction and appeasement of the ego, rather than paying attention to Jesus Who has overcome the world through humility in His death and resurrection.
Jesus call us to be little, to submit in love, as we remember that “ego” stands for “edging God out,” which very few of us are free from.
This is why it’s so critical to have some kind of structure to our prayer lives, as the more we stay in a mode of prayer, the easier it becomes to draw back into it when we’re dealing with life, and other people. To be little and humble like children and lambs, that our softness gives others comfort and draws them close that all of us might live through, with, and in Him.
Catholic or not, we should all be praying the rosary every day, as there is no better way to live in Jesus than through the eyes, heart, and soul of His Blessed Mother who, conceived without sin, carried Jesus into this world and bared witness as He left it for the sake of all of us. It’s easy to YouTube, and you can get a rosary on Amazon in two days. Even if you don’t have a rosary, most of us have ten fingers or toes we can use to keep us on track no matter where we are or what resources we have with us.
God is alway near to us, and I pray that we pull Him close and keep Him dear to us, and that we remain in Him fully as we walk each other through this life in love. Only then can we live our lives in a way that’s all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JANUARY 27, 1989
My child, so many of My people want to help in My mother’s plan. They do not realize that they are already helping in her plan!
My people are waiting for something out of the ordinary to happen. They do not realize all that they have done, or are currently doing, that is helping My mother, and is glorifying Me.
You see, My mother’s plan is so very simple. This world is accustomed to extravagant galas! This gala is very simple, and shall be the most beautiful of all!
My people continually say, “When is it all to happen?” They are waiting for an event which they have structured in their minds. They do not realize that it IS happening, and it is happening now!
Do not prepare as if you have time to spare, at your desire, or on your timetable. Prepare and live as if today were the day you would be christened a knight. Be on your best behavior! Have sophistication, and respect one another. Prepare by living each day with your best effort. Be loving and be at peace.
My people always try to outdo their brothers. It is only in love, simplicity and peace that you will be brought My comfort!
My people think that apparitions are the gala to come. They have no conception of the breadth or depth of My mother’s plan. That is because My people are narrow-minded, and have predetermined the organization of My mother’s gala.
I wish for My people to know that their God is tangible!
They pray to Me as if I am so distant. This is because they place Me at a distance. I am a peaceful, loving Man, Who came into your world as Man of Man, because of My Father’s love for His people. I suffered, I cried, I laughed. as you. ..SO that you could share in My Glorification…so that YOU COULD HAVE ALL THAT I HAVE!
My people have allowed themselves to think that God lives in a far-away place. They, through their imagination, have distorted My Father’s Kingdom as being one which is not attainable. Do not belittle yourselves! I, your Lord, am tangible!
It is like having a loved one go away for awhile. Do you not feel the love and presence of your loved one, even though you do not see him? It should be the same in your love for Me.
Do not place Me at a distance. I tell you, I am as close to your heart as you will allow Me! I wish to dwell in you and you in Me. My people need to allow Me!
This plan, My mother’s gala, is so simple that My people will be confused, because of the lack of complication or ex-travagance. It is so simple and beautiful that My people will desire to live in My simplicity and the beauty of love. There will no longer be panic… only peace!
Panic, confusion, hatred, envy, fear, revenge, disrespect, pain and suffering will no longer exist, because evil will be destroyed!