Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I humbled Myself in obedience to My Father so that you would overcome your pride in My humility. Continually, you must resign to My Will and overcome your will and pride! Bear with patience for the sake of God the subjections of treatment from others. Bless those who maltreat you. Give to all who beg from you.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

How do we behave towards people we happen to just “run into” in our lives? From the person in the grocery store parking lot, or the checkout, to the homeless person, the child, or the elderly. The folks on Facebook who spread love or anger depending on their temperament or disposition. The people we see in church, or at work, as we try to walk in the Light of God. Whether it’s the doctor who heals us, or the custodian who takes out our trash, God doesn’t place these people in our paths every day just so we can walk past them with indifference. With seven plus billion people on this planet, it’s become hard for me not to see each and every interaction as a very precious gift. That God has placed “us” together in any given moment is never without purpose, for every loving glance has the potential to be carried out into this dark world with God’s healing power behind it.
Bringing God’s Heavenly Light to this world is a calling like no other, and if we go out with intention, and treat each soul as such, we can only be doing good, and if we’re doing it right, our souls will be happier every single time we engage with another human.
Many will walk past us and completely ignore us, at least as far as we can see, but we may never know what light those folks might have absorbed in the brief moment that we showed them love, even if it was just in the form of a passing glance. They won’t likely remember the person who loved them in that instant, but often even the slightest spark of love coming to a person who doesn’t feel loved, can change their soul, even if it’s just a tiny change. It’s another “quarter in the well of life,” and those quarters add up.
I pray that we all go out today with this in mind. To love with intent, as that love will fill our own souls just as it fills others. To wave and say “hi,” or “good morning,” not with just our lips, but with our eyes, our hearts, and the cores of our souls, that every soul we touch sees the opportunity to love, in a way that allows all of us to remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, listen intently and hear the words I speak.
For those who have ears to hear, let them hear.
I humbled Myself in obedience to My Father so that you would overcome your pride in My humility. Continually, you must resign to My Will and overcome your will and pride!
Bear with patience for the sake of God the subjections of treatment from others. Bless those who maltreat you. Give to all who beg from you.
What have you to complain of to Me? Even in the midst of your sins, I love you and give to you because you are precious to Me. It is My hope that you will recognize My favor upon you. Be thankful. When I hide My face from you, shower Me with your love and praises. For I do not come at your beck and call, for you to realize it is I Who control, and am God!
As I give to you, give to Me. But give more to Me when you are alone and think I have left you! I am there, but I am listening for your loving prayers in silence. As you listen to Me, it is now the time that I listen to you in this silence. I do not hide because you have offended Me. You have offended Me many times, and My love still endures!! It is so you know Who is God. It is so you will surrender to the subjections of others for My sake, and that you will overcome your pride in My humility.
There are many of My people who, when things do not succeed with them as planned, grow impatient. Remember, the ways you would like to control are not in your power to control. It is not within your power to acquire. Those, who act as if they have been awarded this power, live only amongst deception of their own selves and, sooner or later, will be over-thrown. Your worldly wealth and selfish desires to succeed monetarily through control and power are only short lived!
The time will soon come when all must face death. And this death is a reality of life which no one has control over, only the Heavenly, Divine, ALMIGHTY GOD.
Live now in preparation to succeed in this death to life!
You are but dust and yet, because I spared you through My death, your soul is precious.
Allow Me to grace you to be able to give Me the thanks for your graces received through My merciful love. You cannot glory in your own merit, but only in Me. Those who are wise know better to humble themselves in My humility, and do not extol themselves. Overcome, then, your will and be submissive in obedience to the one Superior, My Father!
Those who wish to acquire glory in Me must submit in resignation to the Father’s Will as I. No one goes to the Father except through Me, and there is only one way. You may exert much energy wastefully in attempting to reach the finish line through a shortcut, but only come to your own shortcomings.
I have said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but give to God what is God’s.” There is but only one way to the Kingdom, the way of love. I am love!