Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I would like to tell My people that when they are persecuted, wounded in spirit and wracked by hatred from enemies, I am persecuted and wounded for them and with them! When they are wounded by life in this mortal world, peace cannot find her resting place. It is a constant battle, the division in the struggle of life and the search for life hereafter. I wish My people to know that I am with them through their mortal life and after. I weep with them and endure the brunt of their major pain for them. That is what life in the material world causes… pain.(From Jesus to Gianna below)

Religious leaders today aren’t much different than religious leaders of Jesus’ time. They might not have the means to have people put to death as they did with Jesus, but they do have the power to have them socially ostracized as they did with Gianna in 2011, as they condemned her while they were mired in scandals and cover ups that ultimately led to their having to seek bankruptcy protection. They still got and get away with quite a bit on the more global level. I do know today that that condemnation was part of God’s plan, and ultimately what “goes around,” will in fact “come around.
Our responsibility as Christians is to discern what’s real and Holy, and to follow Him and Him alone, and many of our religious figures have in fact turned many away from Jesus with poor decisions, thuggery, persecution, and guilt. “Progressive” churches really aren’t any better, as they also tend to carry us away from His Word, and preach modern politics so that they might remain relevant, or “woke.” 
Jesus Himself is a never changing constant, and He will not “evolve” to appease the masses as many who claim to follow Him do.
We as Christians, and Catholics in particular need to dust off our bibles and rosaries. To get ourselves immersed in Him and Him alone, to open our souls up to Him that He might show us the truth, and He will show us His truth if we turn off all that isn’t of Him. “News” and other forms of trash TV, partisan politics, racism disguised as virtue, and everything else out there that casts division upon us and is not of Him.
We have to remember that Jesus is real, Jesus is alive, and Jesus wants to live through, with, and in, every single one of us. We need to make our “burned out” pastors aware, to bring them back to the faith that led them to to become pastors,(hopefully it was faith)and woe to them if they became pastors so that they might bring their politics into His Church
We need to remember that only Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and many of our church authorities are in fact, literally pimps and thugs, as the level of sin that they’ve protected and enabled has drawn many away from Him. We know that the courts have held them accountable to a minute degree, but the rest is up to us. To bring His Truth to the table, and to hold accountable anyone claiming to be “church authority” that speaks and/or acts outside of His Will. To bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Life on Earth that all might live in Him. Through service in love. And that we all might help Him carry His Cross, and remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vil II
OCTOBER 28, 1989
My child, I do not wish for My people to be wounded interiorly. I wish for their souls to receive eternal glory.
I would like to tell My people that, when they are persecuted, wounded in spirit and wracked by hatred from enemies, I am persecuted and wounded for them and with them!
When they are wounded by life in this mortal world, peace cannot find her resting place. It is a constant battle, the division in the struggle of life and the search for life hereafter.
I wish My people to know that I am with them through their mortal life and after. I weep with them and endure the brunt of their major pain for them. That is what life in the material world causes… pain.
I came as Son of Man to stir up division and separation so that all, who wished to dwell with Me, could do so. It is the same now! I am here to bring peace but, in order for peace to reign, there will be separation.
Man will go against man and the battle of evil and good will commence. The man of good shall break off from the men of evil. The men of evil judgment shall celebrate in the victory of battle but, I tell you, their celebration will be premature. Their celebration will result in their damnation and agony, as they scream in the fires of Gehenna. No, the troop of glory, the men of God, shall reign forever and win in victory for all eternity, and peace shall be their flag.
I tell you this so all may know of the peace to come! So all may know that, when they are wounded, I bleed for them.
For each drop of blood shed, salvation results for their eternal glory. What seems to be a loss in battle results in eternal victory.
Tell My people not to be deceived to think they have been defeated. The power of God reigns now, and shall for eternity!