Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My dear little one, I desire My people to come to Me, to take time for Me, to slow down and move at a pace which allows them to absorb the goodness of My Father present in everything. It is necessary to nurture and cultivate the seed of love infused by the Father. How do you nurture the seed planted by Love? Your desire to allow the seed to grow and blossom opens the aquaducts of Love to water and feed the soul.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

We like to talk about Jesus a lot. We have churches on every corner that approach Him from as many different perspectives as there are opinions floating around out there, but do we really believe He is with us? With whom do we identify when we go out into this world? To whom or what do we want to dedicate our human existence? A manufactured ideology? Or The Way, The Truth, and The Life? Let me put this another way; are we going to go forth in love today as He calls us to do? Or are we going to continue to foment division as our devil possessed political parties and media call us to do?
I have many beautiful friends out there who are going to be either happy or upset for different reasons today, most of which are manufactured and have little to do with truth, yet, if we remain in Jesus and follow Him, He will illuminate and guide us, for He is the only way to personal salvation and redemption. It is through our service in love that we will be saved and redeemed, not through our adherence to any “side” of the false dichotomy that Satan has created, and make no mistake, anything we’re following that isn’t fully in Him, especially in this climate, is of Satan. Satan has quite a few TV channels running out there that feature quite a few diabolically crafted paths for us to follow, and follow we do, even when claiming to walk with Christ, but if we aren’t walking in love, we are not walking with Him. And there is no love to be found in a “political opinion” today.
Jesus calls us to “drop our nets and follow Him.”(Matthew 4:18) In today’s climate, our “nets” are the weight of the manufactured opinions we carry out into this world thinking we’re doing good when in reality we’re only contributing to the havoc.
Truth can only be found in our examples, how we live our lives, and first and foremost, how we love.
Love is the answer, and only through love, can we remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
At Villa St. Michael, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
December 2, 1994
My dear little one, I desire My people to come to Me, to take time for Me, to slow down and move at a pace which allows them to absorb the goodness of My Father present in everything. It is necessary to nurture and cultivate the seed of love infused by the Father. How do you nurture the seed planted by Love? Your desire to allow the seed to grow and blossom opens the aquaducts of Love to water and feed the soul.
My Father instills in you Love. His goodness draws your will to Love. He draws your intellect to ponder Him in contemplation.
Everything which is good comes from the Father. You could not love if the Father did not will it. You could not love Him if He did not draw you to Himself. Therefore, in contemplation you gain admiration and devotion to His Love. His works of love are not founded only on prayer and admiration but in deeds. What fruit in love is there without action and charity? My Father gave Love to you. If He draws you to Love and you keep it to yourself it will die.
The seed of love must be nurtured and watered through action. The fruit will not blossom unless the soil is tilled and watered. So too is it with love. If you have fidelity in love to the Father, you have not only contemplation and admiration but acts of charity in deeds.
It is necessary to realize that your weaknesses and imperfections are not driven away, because they are the fuel to sprouting the fruit of humility and chasing the Love of the Father. In your weaknesses you remember you are nothing without Love, and it is the Father who deepens Love in you. You chase after Him desiring to belong totally to Him, to live in total union with Him. Your heart longs for Love. You no longer want only the blessings of God, but you crave God Himself. God is all of yours, and now you ask when will you tallof God’s: O the wonder of Love, to desire to belong to God totally!
I desire that My people slow to a pace of contemplation and admiration of LOVE, love of the Father No one knows the Father except the Son and whoever the Son chooses to reveal the Father.
I desire to introduce the Father to all those who desire “LOVE”. I am Love. I am One with the Father. I am yours. Will you be Mine?
Will you allow Me to bring you to My sweet loving Father? Once you know the Father you will never desire anything other than What Love desires. I bless you, little one, and I bless all My people.
Peace. AD DEUM.