Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“If you know the Word, you know the Will, for I am the Word and all who know Me know Who sent Me and His Will! Trusting in Me is knowing Me. Living My way is knowing Me. Accepting with joy all that is sent you, is accepting the Will of My Father. If you live in Me, you will live in My peace. If you live in My peace, all suffering is joy, for it is redemptive. My peace brings discernment and divine protection. Accepting My Will for you is trusting in Me.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

Jesus said “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life.(John 14:6) Yet we as humans tend to gravitate towards “worldly thought,” and rather than following Him, we get wrapped up in the volatility cast upon us by the demonic forces that feed us “news” every day. We get so wrapped up in hate filled human narrative that we forget that love through Jesus Christ should be our purpose in every breath, thought, and action.
Living The Word through acts of love should be at the forefront of our consciousness, yet when we feel compelled to “render our opinions” about things that are not of God, we create division rather than unity, and His Kingdom suffers because of our fear.
I’m realizing way too slowly that spending too much time around souls that are overtly political creates toxicity in our lives, diverts us from what is true, and worst of all casts all hope of rendering love into an abyss of hopelessness that can be difficult to recover from. Once we’ve released toxicity into our society, it’s pretty hard to reel it back in, and redemption over all becomes much more difficult for us. Our egos might be fed in the short term, but our hope for eternity in His Kingdom suffers.
We as Christians do have a responsibility to keep God’s love at the forefront of every thought, word, and deed, and to cast “social programming” along with things of the ego into the fires of hell where they belong, that God might keep us close as we bring others close to Him.
It’s only our love that matters, and thinking that our flavor of social programming is going to somehow bring us peace, has no choice but to be deeply flawed, as it takes us away from His Will and His Light, which so many so desperately need. We are called to love, and our political opinions are the antithesis of love. It’s ok to have them, but our desire to constantly render them can only bring fear and hatred to the table.
I pray that we go forth with love in our hearts, souls, and minds, and draw those we touch away from all that is not of Him, that we keep truth and love at the forefront of everything we do, and that we remain all in, and totally His, for eternity is at hand, and how we spend it depends upon us.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
FEBRUARY 10, 1990
My child, if My people will open their hearts to the Will of My Father, they will receive the peace which their souls desire. The Will of My Father is the most critical ingredient to your happiness!
If only My people would accept His Will for them, how endless their happiness would be! Do you know the Will of God, and accept it?
If you know the Word, you know the Will, for I am the Word and all who know Me know Who sent Me and His Will! Trusting in Me is knowing Me. Living My way is knowing Me. Accepting with joy all that is sent you, is accepting the Will of My Father. If you live in Me, you will live in My peace. If you live in My peace, all suffering is joy, for it is redemptive. My peace brings discernment and divine protection. Accepting My Will for you is trusting in Me.
If I have told My people of My great love, then trusting in Me would indicate their trust in My care for them. If they trusted in My care, they would accept the Will of My Father, planned for them. They do not live in peace because they will not accept the Will of God, since they do not trust in Me! The Will goes back to trust. All surrounds the trust My people have for Me. They are afraid I will not care for them.
They are afraid I will forget them. They are afraid that My Will for them will conflict with their will! If they are afraid of My Will conflicting with theirs, they do not trust Me because My Will only leads to peace and happiness.
How My people struggle because they do not trust. It is the Will of God which will free them! If you know Me, you will trust Me and will accept with peace what is deigned for you. You will know it is the Will for you because, if you know Me, then you know I live in you and would not allow harm to come to you. The evil one can irritate you and attempt to confuse you from knowing the Will, but, if you accept with peace, then only goodness will result and His Will be done!
PEACE IS THE KEY TO KNOWING THE WILL. If you live in Me, you live in peace and will accept with peace. Evil cannot live in peace because evil does not know peace! If evil cannot live in peace, you know you are doing the Will of My Father.
My child, this lesson on the Will of My Father is so necessary. It all comes down to trust: TRUSTING IN ME; LIVING IN ME; LIVING IN MY PEACE; ACCEPTING WITH PEACE THE WILL.
The outcome of God’s Will will ALWAYS BE PEACEFUL, and result in your happiness. It also gives you glory because, by doing the Will of God, you give Him glory! If you give My Father glory, you have given Me glory. If you live in Me, you have, in turn, received glory yourself!