The Words of

God The Father

to the World

Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan

January 8, 2008

Children of Humanity,

Peace and blessings from Heaven!

I your Father love you, come to you and bless you.  I give you everything that is good.  I am your Creator, desiring you to be created for the fulfillment of the ultimate Truth—that being my Son Whom I gave to you unreservedly to be martyred, to be completely humiliated, to be beaten until nearly His last breath, and then to carry His own Cross to His execution which would be your freedom.

This explosion of Light is the Love of God!  It is a “fore-step” of the warmth of God to allow you to know how precious you are, how real God is, and how and why you were created—ultimately to fulfill the Plan of this world’s creation.  It is a step beyond, yet a step before an enlightenment, when all shall know and will have to choose.  This Light is a Light of Love—an invitation.

And how do you prepare?  Perhaps it’s best to look within, within your wounds, within life, and within your relationships and friendships.  Look at how you want and desire to live. 

If it is at peace, you shall attain Peace.  If it is with power, you shall fight the forces of humanity for this power.  If it is with the Power of God, most dignified and loving, then you shall embrace humility.  If it is in the Truth, you shall stand by the Truth until death.  If it is a surrendering and abandonment, then you shall be fulfilled most abundantly and will be led at all levels to become a pillar of Light and an ambassador of Peace, a lamp that shall never be extinguished.  And all shall move forward towards you for change, counseling and strength.

I love you.  I love you so much that I have given My Son for you; and if you think this is not important enough to understand and you disregard it, then My special blessings are upon you for your strength when you realize the opportunity you have missed.


Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!