The Words of
God The Father
to the World
Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan
March 8, 2007
Children of Humanity,
How gracious a God I am Who created a soul as precious as each of you, created in the likeness of God, man and woman! In all the cosmos, nothing greater is created than that here as man and woman. When the time for your redemption was at hand, My Son, Who contemplated in the most Glorious and Holy Trinity–Three Persons: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit–decided back too many years ago for you to know the date and time, to come in human form, pure and holy, for you.
Through His pain and suffering, His condemnation by the three judges (Caiaphas, Herod & Pilate), and His betrayal by three witnesses (Judas, Peter & the bad thief), He suffered torment in anguish and despair. He cried out on the Cross, “Father, why have You forsaken Me?”(Mt. 27:46); and before His last breath, “It is consummated” (Jn 19:30); and in surrendering, “Into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit.” (Lk 23:46).
How many are there of you, children of humanity, who cry out, “Father, why have You forsaken me?” Perhaps, (long pause) perhaps the most joyous, merciful and glorious events of your lives are unfolding. If My Son Who was torn in his Body, naked and mocked, and Who died out of Love for you, cried out to Me; and if His ultimate outcome was beyond that of the Cross, but was the fulfillment of a joyful Resurrection, then would you not also be counted among the chosen? Only you can deny this grace and gift!
I bless you with tears of cleansing at every moment that your souls may be uplifted and inebriated with the Joy of My Son, and there joined to the Triune God, pure and undefiled, gracious and whole, glorious and unending, magnificent and omnipotent!
All are welcome! How many of you dare to walk through this darkness to see that the Light was always there and the darkness was that which you created?
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!