Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Oh Glorious One on high, exalt your people.
Bring them Your peace and Your everlasting love.
I bring them to You, Oh Gracious One.
Have mercy on them as I have mercy on them.
They are Our beloved people.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

May God have mercy on all of us as we tread the waters of the world and work to keep our churches immersed in The Word. This is of utmost importance as our churches walk the balance beam between God’s Truth and remaining “socially relevant” for the sake of significance and cash flow.
May we welcome all, but also remember that Jesus calls us to “sin no more,” and and that our churches are not a venue for partisan politics, but for us to engage with and remain in Him as we walk each other into eternity through truth in deep love.
We as followers of Jesus need to keep watch on our pastors and their leadership, the bishops etc. as they tend to lead us via hyper partisan “news reports,” rather than The Word, pretending to “cleanse themselves of scandal,” when they’re actually adjusting our church to conform with the world rather than bringing the world into conformance with God’s Word, paying off victims of crime as they navigate bankruptcy caused by their own misdeeds.
This is the reality we’re facing as our corrupt leadership works to paint a pretty social picture at the expense of God’s Word, and we can pretend all day, but at the end of the day, God will not be mocked, and it will be Him that every single one of us will be answering to.
Please pray for our churches as we walk through intense changes, and that our parishioners keep their eyes and ears open that we not be led astray, for only through Jesus can we get to The Father, for He is in fact, The Way, The Truth, and The Life. These are turbulent times, but there is a clear path, and that path is through and with Jesus Himself. May we remain all in, and totally His, as we navigate these waters. And may He always show us what’s true.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JUNE 11, 1989
Come all and give fervant thanks to My Father.
He is Creator of all goodness!
“Oh Glorious One on high, exalt your people.
Bring them Your peace and Your everlasting love.
I bring them to You, Oh Gracious One.
Have mercy on them as I have mercy on them.
They are Our beloved people.”
These, My dear people, are the words I pray to My Most Glorious and Good Father. As you continue to give Me your hearts, I continue to present you to Him, asking Him to restore peace through His Divine Goodness and highly exalt you as His holy people. My Father does not deny Me My people. Please, do not deny Me to bring you happiness and peace!
There is nothing I would not do for you, My people, for I am good and loving. Please learn and begin practicing what I teach you. It will be your salvation!
These are words of encouragement today, My beloved ones.
Take heed and pray. All goodness shall be given to you.
Times of ages change, the human heart changes, but I, your Lord, remain the same and continuously pray words of salvation to My Father for you, for I AM YOUR FORGIVING LORD!