“Rest assured of My love. Do not lose sight of My love through the fallacies of the self-controlling desires of the will and mind. Surrender unto Love against all self-comprehension, and you will bear fruitful virtues of life.”(From Gianna below)

If we’re not the ones in control, we sure do like being behind the humans who are. Special interests, false narratives, misinformed elected officials who believe they’re locked into the truth. All kinds of shiny trinkets posing as truth get dangled before us and we become coaxed into hating everything that doesn’t match the trinket.
God and eternity are hard things to wrap our minds around, but in the physical sense, we do know that it is dust from which we came, and dust to which we shall return. God on the other hand, is, always has been, and always will be. He knows every one of us better than we know ourselves, and He knows what our gifts provide in the eternal sense. Yet, instead of focusing on Him and His will for us, we tend to focus on one or several of the tens of dozens of human hate narratives that become foisted upon us as entities compete for our attention in a power struggle. We believe that power struggle is “endless,” but if we open our eyes and minds, we will realize that most struggles are manufactured, and wouldn’t exist if not kept alive by people with a sinister agenda. God, on the other hand will carry us to another place if we allow Him to. There is a dimension of love in the here and now that always has been and always will be. God’s place of love transcends all falsehoods like “race,” and “class.” False constructs used as tools of division to attain power and control. Once we see through these false divisions, and look at all others through the eyes of God, he will remove these constructs from our view that we can see only Him and His precious light in the faces of others. This is why we need to pour every ounce of our hearts and souls into Him and Him alone. We already know in some recess of our minds that He is The Way, The Truth, and the Life. We merely need to bring that knowledge to the forefronts of our hearts and souls that we do in fact surrender everything to Him, giving us the means to carry His will forth as He would have us do. In perfect love. Totus Tuus.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, July 25, 1992, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
Total Surrender
“My dear one, as I move the graces of your prayer forward,
You will notice one day in contemplation that you have
progressed in this grace from “knowing” to “loving”. The
prayer of My love moves from the mind to the heart. Your
imagination will be reduced until you only have the memories
to remember. At this point, give praise to Me and know you
have been graced with progress in your journey through your
commitment and devotion in contemplating Me.
It is a challenge when you surrender your control to Me,
but not a loss to you. You will never be cheated from My
love. Your surrendering will only be fruitful and rewarding.
The fervor of My love will inspire you to give to Me all the
more; to give until there is no more to give and, even then, I
shall draw from you! In this grace of prayer, you will discover
what truly nourishes your soul. The search becomes the goal,
and the longing for My love is sufficient in itself to sustain
you. The fruits will become self-evident. The desert flowers
bloom when your will no longer exerts energy to control or
distract you from attentiveness to My Will.
The battle of the mind will no longer become an inter-
est to you. Hence the desert blooms, because the source of
nourishment is from the heavens, which showers and enriches
the soil to produce a fruitful season and the best yield of the
Blessed is he that endures and perseveres until the end.
The struggle of failure and success no longer preoccupies
your journey of progression. You are now ready to open up
like a flower to receive My merciful love and the compassion
of healing graces, Your commitment to Me of your heart in
prayer will gather the truth and will surface the self-deception
of the heart!
It is the way of My sacredness in fidelity and truth. When
you surrender to Me totally, you will be trusting in My love
totally because total surrender involves trusting in My love.
You would know of My love and trust in My love and, there-
fore, surrender yourself to Me totally.
Only when you trust in Me totally, can you trust others
and respect them in dignity in My love. I trusted in My Father
because of Our Oneness. Trust in Me in our oneness! Do not
be afraid. Know of My love and know you will NEVER be left
alone. My Father was ALWAYS WITH ME, even as I suffered
the abandonment of your life. Why, then, would I ever leave
you alone? I would NOT! I am true to My fidelity to you and
I am one with you. That is why I broke Myself for you, that
you would never suffer without Me in your brokenness!!
Rest assured of My love. Do not lose sight of My love
through the fallacies of the self-controlling desires of the will
and mind. Surrender unto Love against all self-comprehen-
sion, and you will bear fruitful virtues of life. Peace. Ad