”Put all useless thoughts to the side. Rest. Be at peace through the rest of this day created by God, and be with Me. You are not alone. I am here with you.”(From Gianna below)

Some days are easier than others. We desire to rest in Him, but the world keeps coming at us from so many directions. And we just have to pray. To pray for His love and guidance through every storm. I pray that all of our storms pass gently as we give ourselves to Him. It’s always a good time to rest in Him as He has every answer we need. We just have to trust. In perfect love.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, August 11, 1992, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
True Identity
“Here I am, My dear one. once again in your presence in
order to give words of love to My people. As you grow
in My grace of humility day by day, you grow more in self-
love day by day. The essence of your being becomes a reality
of beauty, not lost in the wilderness, but making a statement
of love of God.
The only way to gain true identity of yourself is to lose
it, losing the falsehoods of what you believe constitutes self
identity. Loss of control is gaining control; allowing Me to
have a deep, unified relationship with you; being at peace with
yourself through hardships and aloneness; having confidence
and trust in your God and avoiding all that magnifies your
false image of centeredness.
To be solid in love, you must be solid in your love of
yourself the way I desire you to love. You know not love if
you do not know Me! If you know Me, you would not be
afraid of losing your identity. You would know yourself in
My love. Tomorrow will come; and, if you worry in anxiety,
you then block the relief of My graces. You control whether
you choose to continue listening to the falsehoods your own
inner state presents.
Put all useless thoughts to the side. Rest. Be at peace
through the rest of this day created by God, and be with Me.
You are not alone. I am here with you. You feel alone, but
I am with you at all times when you feel My Presence and,
also, when I hide this grace from you. I am nonetheless with
you. Call on Me. I will strengthen you.
Each day you get closer and closer to the abyss of My trea-
sures, where tears do not exist. So be patient. Accept the state
you are in; acknowledge where you are in Me and be quiet.
Be still and be open ONLY to Me. Listen to your Shepherd’s
song. The rest is a grace, My grace, I give to you.
Soon you, My people, will see that you are very special
and beautiful, individually created in My love and, where your
love is, is where you are! Do not fight change in your inner
self. I am with you, creating a new, real identity for you, the
identity of the true you; the love of God in you where you
will not need to seek outside sources to support your image,
but will be one with Me in your love of self in Me!
Be at peace. This change takes time, a time calculated in
God’s hands. Be careful not to run ahead, or to return to your
old ways. Just be with Me where you are. More graces are
about to descend upon you. You are close to the mountain
tops. Fear would like you to turn away, for where you are
in your journey, fear cannot come. Pay not attention to fear!
Face fear and push right through fears, illusions of struggles
and impossibilities.
I am not illusion! I am real and I am here with you.
There are parts you must walk through yourself, with Me,
instead of me carrying you. This is so that you can share in
My treasures. Come now. Hope is AWAITING! Peace and
love, My people. Ad Deum.”