Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“That is why there is much difficulty in modern world relationships; because of the longing for love. Everyone wants to be loved, but if you truly give of your own self and love, there is no longing because you are fulfilled and satisfied, refreshed with yourself for giving, rewarded, renewed.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
We so often try to love with our egos instead of our souls, and as Rocky told Bullwinkle, “that trick never works.” We do things for others out of a sense of obligation instead of feeling the true joy that comes from those we love when we serve them from a place of love rather than obligation. The truth is, we don’t have to serve them.” “We get to serve them.” Even stating it in our heads that way changes everything. We serve God when we serve those we love, and in that we should be delighted. I can 100% guarantee your life will be better when joy is instilled in every perceived “obligation” like that.
Whether it’s cooking dinner, cleaning up, tending to sick loved ones, or performing acts of service out in the community, we can do it with a pleasant song in our souls. Staying “little” and humble as we look folks in their eyes and pour love onto them. And we not only heal those we serve, we heal our own broken selves, as the love that flows back and forth between individuals draws tears of happiness and submission from our bodies. And the sense of heavenly nirvana that can come from that exceeds any “earthly pleasure,” as we’re working for Jesus, and not for ourselves.
I pray that we pause for a moment and just let Jesus in. Allow Him to penetrate every aspect of our being that we can see others as He sees them, and let Him guide and protect us as we actively look for ways to pour love on those around us. They need love, and we need love, and love starts right here with us. Only through the love we give, can we keep ourselves “all in, and totally His.”❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
(Assisi; 10/13/91)
My dear, dear beloved one, tonight I wish to define the
difference between longing for love and loving. Longing for love is a hunger for love. Loving is living without deception. Most of My people long for love because they hunger for Me. But true love is not a hunger; it is a state
of unity. When you love, there is no hunger because you are fulfilled; there is no deception! That is why there is much difficulty in modern world relationships; because of the longing for love. Everyone wants to be loved, but if you truly give of your own self and love, there is no longing because you are fulfilled and satisfied, refreshed with yourself for giving, rewarded, renewed.
Do you see that in the simplicity of My love for My people I teach them, so that they know how much they are loved when they give love in return? How I love to be alone with you temporarily as a lover would, only so that you can go forth and spread My love.
I want also tonight to talk about the Will of God. How do you know you are fulfilling the Will of God? If you trust in what you are doing, that My Word will be fulfilled by trusting in Me, not the Message!, then you are fulfilling the Will. If you doubt what you are doing because of insecurities and are not sure, then it’s not of God! EITHER YOU KNOW OR DO NOT!! YOU EITHER LOVE OR DO NOT. YOU EITHER SAY, ‘YES’ or ‘NO’!
If you, with all your heart, trust that My Word will be fulfilled, but because of other circumstances which were against your expectations arose, that doesn’t mean the Will of God was not fulfilled. So, do not doubt. All will be done in accordance to the Providence of God, not in accordance to your desires. So, do not doubt.
Praise the Father and continue to trust. Doubt comes in when you look at your own self doings, and the plan on your map of architectural desire failed! Well, this would not be the Will of My Father if it went in accordance to your design!
Remember, He is the Potter, you are the clay. At times His Plan is laid out in your design, but most of the time, I can assure you that when you have drawn the straight line, He adds direction; and when your line is crooked, He straightens it!
So, be at peace and know if something does not go according to your plan, it does NOT mean it wasn’t the Will of God. The Will of God is always done in those who trust.
Self-pride makes you doubt the Plan of God or His Will. i love you, My dear one, as all My beloved ones. Peace this night. Ad Deum.