Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Live in your faith in Me, and be at peace. Trust in Me and all shall be tended for. Stop judging what others are doing to you in creating conflicts. Focus on Me and on what I have planned for you. This is for all My people. How they wish to control! How confident they are in dictating what is of God and what is not! My, what authority they have taken into their own hands! Oh, how they are creating their own struggles by their passions.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

We can walk up the street, through Wal Mart or the grocery store, and see so many souls whose fear and turmoil can be converted to love with a mere loving glance. A simple “hello, hi, or howdy” from the core of our soul. Their day has just become better, and so has ours. Living in the present, petting the dogs and smelling the flowers, allowing the gifts placed before us to fulfill our desire for joy, as we work to bring the Light of Jesus to every soul we touch. Bringing peace and love to a place where there once was turmoil may be a small thing to us, but it can be huge to the recipient of the love we just shared, and bring us favor in the eyes of God as well.
Allowing Jesus to live in us as we walk each other through these dark times is what we’re called to do, no more no less. We aren’t called to share sarcastic memes about the next potential president. We aren’t called to shove our opinions upon others so that they’ll agree with us or vote a certain way. We’re called to bring the Light of Christ to every soul we touch, for without Him, no political entity is going to “save us” no matter how much we choose to bloviate and fear monger as we work our way through that which “society” casts upon us.
No matter how “dark” things become, the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus proclaimed in The Gospels some 2000 years ago is at hand. It is alive and well, in spite of the fact that so many who claim to live in it tend to allow Satan to “play” in it. We allow fear to displace the love that we’re called to render, and that’s where we have to keep ourselves in check. It’s easy to get drawn into the turmoil placed before us, and that’s where and when we have to put on the full “armor of God,” and disallow everything that is not of Him.
To reject the lies and hate filled politics, and to keep God’s love at the forefront of every breath we take and every move we make, so that all things demonic or not of Him be cast into the abyss never to return.
Peace has no choice but to come to us if we’re acting in Love through Our Lord. He will truly bring us grace and protection from all evil if we stay immersed in Him, and allow Him to walk with us as we walk with others. To remind ourselves constantly that of it is not love, it is not of Him.
I pray that we go forth in love today, and keep ourselves in a state of prayer that allows us to remain all in, and totally His, for He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and all we get to take with us at the end of this life, is the love we’ve given back, through, with, and in Him. Nothing else matters. ❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
FEBRUARY 18, 1990
My dear child, why do My people struggle so in their faith?
I have promised them gifts of peace and strength and protection, yet they struggle. They do not persevere. The smallest trauma weakens their security and trust. That is because of their weak faith.
Faith justifies you in Me. It makes you righteous in the eyes of My Father. My people are so concerned over what is of God’ and what is not, that they have deceived themselves. Live in your faith in Me, and be at peace. Trust in Me and all shall be tended for. Stop judging what others are doing to you in creating conflicts. Focus on Me and on what I have planned for you. This is for all My people. How they wish to control! How confident they are in dictating what is of God and what is not! My, what authority they have taken into their own hands! Oh, how they are creating their own struggles by their passions.
Do not live a life of death! Live in the life of light. Do not deceive yourselves. Trust in yourselves by trusting in Me.
If you trusted in Me, you would walk in faith and would not allow your feelings and struggles to deceive you. How many times have I said that I am with you always, and will protect and care for you? My love does not and will not change!
I am a loving God, a God Who will not cause harm. If you love Me and trust Me, you will walk in your faith with Me and stop causing yourselves inner harm.
Your struggles are those you create and allow. This causes you internal suffering and harm. This does not reflect your faith or trust in Me. Therefore, My people, STOP CAUSING YOURSELVES AND OTHERS SUFFERING BY TELLING OTHERS WHAT IS AND WHAT IS NOT OF GOD! Allow Me to live in you by caring for you. Have faith in Me, and walk in My footsteps. All shall be cared for.
Thank you, My dear ones. I, your Lord, love you and speak words of truth, words to teach you and guide you to eternal life!