Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Words of praise are words of nothingness, and harmful words are words of no meaning. Put your trust in My Father, for the words of man are full of judgment. My Wisdom teaches you not to sway like thin branches on a tree. Be strong in your faith and firm in your trust in Him Who sent Me.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

As I live and breathe, I witness many of our churches getting completely out of the business of God, and becoming bastions of hyper partisan politics. It’s ironic in a sense, that some 20 years ago before I was “called” per se, I thought secular humanism was the answer to everything, that God was a made up “myth,” and that our churches, if they wanted to exist at all, had better “get with the times.” Now that God has revealed Himself to me, I witness our churches doing exactly what I once thought they should do, and becoming more “worldly,” yet they’re actually “edging God out” as they clamor to stay relevant and “woke.” Practicing racism disguised as “inclusion,” and ignoring the Word of God so that they can remain relevant “politically” to some, but not to others. They read the scriptures in our Nave, yet set up propaganda stations in our hallways, and implement programs laden with half truths, creating schism and division as they pretend to be virtuous. Enabling the “collective ego” at the expense of the individual, and keeping the schism and division that should be waning alive and well, as Satan laughs. Putting fear and racial bias that was once waning back at the forefront of the minds of our children as they keep “racial dichotomies” open, rather than allowing them to close naturally as they are in fact doing from an evolutionary standpoint. We in America are in fact a “melting pot,” where racial division is declining not only in the biological sense, but in the cultural sense as well, yet there are factions that cannot stay powerful or relevant of that happens, so they work to keep the “racial dichotomies” open, so that they can use them to cast hatred and fear amongst our brethren. This is politics today, and sadly, it is our churches as well.
We are called to serve and to love, no more and no less, but when our churches start “indoctrinating the masses” with worldly bias as opposed to the Truth of God’s Word, then they are not only failing God, they are enabling Satan. We are being infiltrated and influenced from the top down by ideologies that fall far from His Will, and our churches are being utilized by Satan to look attractive, but there are in fact systems, systems that are not so “hidden,” in place disguised as “conversations,” but conversations are just that, and when they are poised and put into place by people with agendas, they are no longer conversations. They are merely propaganda machines drawing us away from God.
This is sad to watch, and it’s hard to write, and there are people whom I love and pray for every day doing exactly what I’m speaking of, but when I attempt to address it in a personal level, it falls on completely deaf ears. The level of indoctrination outside of The Word has grown way too powerful.
Before He left this world, was crucified, died, buried, and rose from the dead to sit at the right hand of The Father, Jesus proclaimed “My Kingdom is not of this world,” and truer words have never been uttered than what He proclaimed in that instant. May we remember this as we remember Whom we follow, and make sure that “His Kingdom come,” as we remain all in, and totally His. ❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
SEPTEMBER 25, 1989
My dear child, the mind is the source of all conduct.
The word spoken from the tongue results in the action of your deeds, your thoughts, the route to your words and actions. The man who seeks My Wisdom, and finds it, will reflect it through his thoughts, words and actions!
What does My Wisdom tell you? Wisdom in Me will teach you not to seek acceptance from man but to seek acceptance from My Father. My Wisdom teaches you not to put your trust in the human heart, for the human heart will torture you!
Trust in My Father. Trust in Him and you will find His goodness. Do not put your trust in man, but in God. Man stands by you in your time of joy, but only watches on in your time of sorrow. My Wisdom teaches you not to seek the words of praise from man, for those who speak words of praise, speak also words which are harmful and full of deceit. Man’s words are words of no value!
Words of praise are words of nothingness, and harmful words
are words of no meaning. Put your trust in My Father, for the words of man are full of judgment. My Wisdom teaches you not to sway like thin branches on a tree. Be strong in your faith and firm in your trust in Him Who sent Me.
If you live in My peace, harmful words will not bother you, and words of praise will not move you to boast in pride. This is what My Wisdom teaches: for all to seek peace, praise and discipline from My Father, through trust and open-heartedness.
If you live in My Wisdom, I will teach you that the love of money deceives you and is the source of evil. If you love money, you love your prestige!
Take heed of My words on Wisdom. Happy the man who seeks My Wisdom, and finds it, for he shall live in joy. Happy the man who shares My Wisdom through his actions to his fellow companions. All mankind shall praise him, for they will be praising Me as I live in him!